NEW SITKA Ambient 75

Just received update about Seldom

Crow Woman

New member
Jun 9, 2003
Covington, PA

I am Dick's stepdaughter, xxxx. He wanted me to email you after his surgery. I just heard from them and it sounds like everything went well. He may be coming home tomorrow. We appreciate your concern. Thanks.


Just thought you all would want to know

Crow Woman
Hey Sly

Just trying to watch after my friends

Doug, must be that yard sale threat worked

Now hurry up and get back on here Seldom!

Crow Woman
Guys,I am back and the procedure was a success.Unfortunately all the drugs I've been on and the drive home have left me washed out and really tired.It turned out the left anterior descending artery was 90% occluded,but the doc fixed it up real nice.I know I'll feel 20 years younger as soon as I rest a bit.If I can,I'll post a before and after pic.Imagine a state map with a line for a small road on it.Then imagine someone taking a wide angle marker and drawing over the road,that is what the pre and post stint placement pics look like.I'll be back on line full tilt as soon as I get caught up on my sleep.Thanks for your prayers,you can't imagine how painless and quick the procedure was because of them.I'll write more as soon as I get rested up,give me another day to rest and I'll be back on.
I'm very pleased to know he'll be back flipping me and everyone else here at Moosies crap. Realy, I'm glad my friend is well and Hope to hear from him soon........

Thanks Crow Chick for the phone call today letting me know about Seldom and how he was doing, it helped my day get better quick.

Heres to a speedy recovery and coyote season,,,,CHEERS

Friend Seldom,
you take all the time you need and we are damn glad you are home safe. You need to rest up for that cat hunt cause I'm a fat man and I may need you to carry me out of the canyons,,,LOL

Man!!! I'm glad to see that you came out of the surgery in a grand style and that your health sounds to be intact, except for the pooppied feeling, get well soon and will be happy to see you back to your old posting style..
Thanks guys,feeling great! It is amazing,what they did,truly amazing.I am on some new meds because of the stainless steel stint,but after a year I can quit those as well. I feel really good.Elkhunter,if I mail you a pic with some text,can you post it here so everyone can see what actually happens ? Later on you can take it down, it doesn't have to be permanent.I just want everyone to see the before and after pic,it truly is amazing.
Now that the Verminator is all fixed up.
we can hopefully plan that trip next year to Idaho.

Rally song " I wanna go to Idaho"

Hopefully everything with work will allow me to take time off.
There ain't nothin that tastes as good as Southern BBQ'ed anything!

I plan on eating a huge steak,kind of a last meal before I get serious about the vegetarian thing.Then I'll cheat once every two months to rtelieve the monotony.
Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping Systems

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