Just another Kerry lie...

Calif. Hunter

Active member
Dec 13, 2000
Apple Valley, CA, USA
If there is one story told over and over again by John Kerry since his return from Viet Nam, it is the heart-wrenching tale of how he spent Christmas Eve and Christmas Day 1968 illegally in Cambodia. From the early 1970's through the mid-80's and 1990's, Kerry has spoken and written again and again of how he was illegally ordered to enter Cambodia. He says that he experienced first-hand the duplicity of the Nixon administration and to hear the President of the United States telling the American people that he was not there.
From an interview in the Boston Herald - "The absurdity of almost being killed by our own allies in a country in which President Nixon claimed there were no American troops was very real." As recently as July 7, 2004, Michael Kranish of the Boston Globe repeated Kerry's "Cambodia Christmas" claim on Fox New's "Hannity and Colmes" TV show, saying that it was a critical turnig point in Kerry's life - "Kerry said later that he had gone into Cmabodia, despite President Nixon's assurances to the American public that there was no combat action in this neutral country."

The fact is - Nixon was not sworn in as President for 26 days after Christmas 1968. :rolleyes:

The Cambodia incident is not mentioned in Kerry's newer book "Tour of Duty." Now he says he was under mortar attack at Sa Dec, "near the Cambodian border." (Sa Dec is over 50 miles from Cambodia.) Somehow, the Christmas Eve story that he told on the Senate floor, is now replaced by a firefight at Sa Dec on Christmas Eve 1968 and a Christmas Day spent writing in his journal. :rolleyes:

The whole "secret mission" into Cambodia is just another Kerry lie. When will it end, and how can you trust anything this guy says??? :mad:

[ 08-05-2004, 15:14: Message edited by: Calif. Hunter ]
wake up Ithaca 37, where are you.........wake up......rise and shine.....BuzzH........you too....helloooooooooooo..............

LOL Nut.

Ithaca's standard line is,
"I can't stand liars"
So where is he now to defend Kerry ????

I've been awake for quite a while, you must have been asleep for the last couple years. Ever read many posts? Show me where I ever stated I'm 1. a Kerry supporter 2. Voting for Kerry. Take your time and report back once you find either...or when you find a clue.

I'm not voting for Kerry or Bush, only an idiot would vote for one of those two.

Only real geniuses vote for Nader. Geez.....I guess I'd rather you vote for Nader than Kerry.


Where did you read that I was voting for Nader? I wont vote for Nader either.

I guess you still havent found that clue yet...keep trying.

You wont put me in anybodies mold, but its fun to see you try.

I may not be a "genius" but I'm smart enough to not vote for Bush, Kerry, or Nader.

None of them are worthy of my vote...and that is a FACT.

OK, I give up. You win. Sorry, but Lyndon LaRouche won't win even with your priceless vote.

Buzz ,thats priceless.
"I may not be a "genius" but I'm smart enough to not vote for Bush, Kerry, or Nader.
None of them are worthy of my vote...and that is a FACT."

Another quote for Buzz,
"Hunters are poorly organized and rely too much on a handful of people representing their interests. But, they sure are quick to bitch when something passes they dont like."

Do you have a point hidden in your babble or what?


It isnt about me winning, or who I vote for winning, its about my choice to not vote for a bunch of hypocritical losers to lead my country.

I think thats the problem with the 23% of the Americans that excercise their right to vote...they'd rather vote for a piece of crap candidate that they think will "win"...just to say they "won".

Never mind that they know nothing about politics, issues, or the "winner" they voted for.

Good luck to you in finding your "winner"...
"Do you have a point hidden in your babble or what?"
Buzz,I'll spell it out for you

It would have to be that your the hypocritical loser .
For all the crap that you give other's about the lack of intrest or support on issues that effect them ,now you come on and say you dont even bother to get off your duff and vote? ROFLMAO
To top it all off you think you have the right to bitch about it LOL
Talk about hypocritical.
MD4ME, you are way off your rocker.

Show me where I said I wasnt going to vote, if you cant find it, you're nothing but a lying old bag. I've never missed a chance to vote on anything in a national election...or local election either. I understand and appreciate the right I have to vote. I just havent been given a presidential choice thats worthy of my vote...doesnt mean I dont excercise my right. How did you interpret that I never vote??? I have a suggestion...drop the crack pipe and step away from the keyboard. Ever noticed that area on the ballot where you write one in???? If you havent, take your ballot to a third grader so they can point that out to you.

Let me spell it out for you, you're about as full of shit as a Christmas goose.

Did you crash with the ATV and suffer a severe head injury??? If not, I doubt you have an excuse for your mindless babble.
Originally posted by BuzzH:

It isnt about me winning, or who I vote for winning, its about my choice to not vote for a bunch of hypocritical losers to lead my country.
Could/would you name a politician who is NOT hypocritical loser??
LOL Buzz ,a write in?
Thats worse then flushing a vote on Nader.

"you're nothing but a lying old bag."LOL
Oh excuse me Buzz,
I forgot that writing in your own name was excercising your right to vote.
SRR, I think a few of the Senators and Congressmen are somewhat honest. Presidential candidates??? None that I've ever seen, thusly the reason I have to write in.


You are completely out of your mind. Wear a helmet next time...
MD, "I forgot that writing in your own name was excercising your right to vote."

Where did Buzz say he writes in his own name? Do you think he might write in someone else's name? He's right about the helmet. You never shoulda gone riding without one. :D