Just a parody-completely fictitious


New member
Mar 2, 2001
ID - Boundary County
Jeb Bush, brother of President Bush gave Reuters reporters a candid, inside look at his plans for tampering with this year's presidential elections. Governor Bush, uncomfortable with the term "tampering" prefers to call it "adjusting".

"We down here in Florida feel that it is our sworn duty as American citizens to assist in whatever way we can in 'adjusting' the will of the American people, putting them on the right track."

Reuters reporter Jennifer Thompson asked Governor Bush,

"Governor, who is going to win this election?"

Governor Bush responded,

"Of course I don't know the answer to that Mz Thompson. I'm just the governor of Florida. It is up to the American people to almost decide that outcome."

Al Gore, Democratic candidate for president in 2000 recalls,

"We don't blame Florida for our loss. The best man, George Bush won the election and we applaud him. Any mere mortal that can pull something like that off has my vote 24 by 7 by 365 by however long my projected lifespan is".

Governor Bush when asked about Florida's new, revamped, secure voting machines said,

"Our voting machines are solid. Their computers have the latest version of Windows XP and all the buttons have been polished".

President Bush assured the American people in his weekly address that this would indeed be a fair and just election. He said,

"My brother has assured me and Mr Kerry himself that his voting machines DO in fact have the latest version of Windows XP installed including all recommended security updates".

Microsoft offered no comments on the status of Florida voting machines. One spokesman did however say,

"XP. XP is a good version of windows."

Jeb Bush in his final words to Reuters says that America perhaps jumped to incorrect conclusions during the last presidential election. He said,

"Yes we did have a few problems with some Democratic votes winding in the Republican bin but that was then, this is now. With XP in control of the election now I'm confident that votes, Republican and Democrat will wind up in the correct bin. After adjustments of course."

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