Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

Jobs For a College student


New member
Jun 7, 2020
Laramie, WY
Hey everyone! first time posting on hunt talk so I'm not sure if what I'm posting is allowed but its worth a shot. I just quit my job as a park ranger for Texas Parks and Wildlife to go back to school for Wildlife Biology, I got accepted into University of Wyoming and am Moving to Laramie Next week. I'm posting this because my class schedule has me busy until about noon all week, I'm having a lot of trouble finding anything that fits my schedule especially anything outdoor related. Any help or advice would be much appreciated! thanks!
Welcome to HT!

My youngest is doing DoorDash while he applies to PhD programs. He's actully doing pretty well with it here in our college town of about 25,000 folks.
He sets his own hours, but usually starts 5-6PM each day.
Yeah I was similar to snowy, waited tables during the summer and made most of my money, in the winter taught skiing, drove dial a ride... precursor to Uber, TA’d, and washed dishes.
It took me the better part of a decade to graduate from college. Some would say that was my fault, but I’m a millennial so I will blame good fishing and better beer.

Most of that time I had numerous cleaning contracts on buildings in Missoula. Cleaning is a good gig, as you can work really whenever you want as long as the work is done prior to business opening the next day. On weekends I could get all the cleaning done on Friday night and have the whole weekend, or I could skip town on Friday and suffer late into the night Sunday to get the cleaning done, but there was lots of flexibility. When I finally got serious, the last three years I was a student I worked full-time for the University I attended as a custodian. Full-time employees of the university had free tuition, and so I did not pay tuition the last three years I was a student. A lot of universities have a similar deal. Tack on my part time contracts, and I was making enough money to pay for school, living, and save some.

Even today as a professional in I.T. I make more money than I ever thought I would. But my wife and I still have a cleaning contract on three buildings in Helena. People look down at custodians, but realistically you can pay yourself about $30-40 an hour if you have a good system and work hard. It’s good extra money. Particularly in these uncertain times.
Not from the area so I can’t help with specifics. Seems like you have gotten some solid advice so far.

My son is in college. He is lucky enough to have a job working for a logging company here that let’s him work around his class schedule and he is outdoors or in the shop and doesn’t have to deal with the general public. Right up his alley.

Good luck to you. I wish I would have moved up that way 15 or 20 years ago.
You can try the new Sportsman's store. Not exactly an outdoors job, but the employee discount looks pretty sweet.
Not sure how your area is but in Northern Ca. the biologist that do projects for waterfowl restoration usually need seasonal employees. The seasonal workers do a lot of field work involving surveys and construction of new habitat. CWA and DU do most of the work in Ca. In your area it might be mule deer or elk foundations that use seasonal workers. Although I would assume some waterfowl organizations do summer projects.
Good luck.
Not sure how your area is but in Northern Ca. the biologist that do projects for waterfowl restoration usually need seasonal employees. The seasonal workers do a lot of field work involving surveys and construction of new habitat. CWA and DU do most of the work in Ca. In your area it might be mule deer or elk foundations that use seasonal workers. Although I would assume some waterfowl organizations do summer projects.
Good luck.

Thanks I will look into some organizations definitely not a bad idea!
You can try the new Sportsman's store. Not exactly an outdoors job, but the employee discount looks pretty sweet.

I have seen that Sportsman's Warehouse is hiring not sure I would have a paycheck after all the hunting/fishing gear I would buy lol but definitely a solid job thank you!
Not from the area so I can’t help with specifics. Seems like you have gotten some solid advice so far.

My son is in college. He is lucky enough to have a job working for a logging company here that let’s him work around his class schedule and he is outdoors or in the shop and doesn’t have to deal with the general public. Right up his alley.

Good luck to you. I wish I would have moved up that way 15 or 20 years ago.

Thank you definitely some good advice I am glad I made this decision at 25 to go back to school!
Fisheries and Wildlife professors often hire students for hourly lab work doing various tasks to help their grad students. Good extra experience on top of field experience you’ll get in the summers
It took me the better part of a decade to graduate from college. Some would say that was my fault, but I’m a millennial so I will blame good fishing and better beer.

Most of that time I had numerous cleaning contracts on buildings in Missoula. Cleaning is a good gig, as you can work really whenever you want as long as the work is done prior to business opening the next day. On weekends I could get all the cleaning done on Friday night and have the whole weekend, or I could skip town on Friday and suffer late into the night Sunday to get the cleaning done, but there was lots of flexibility. When I finally got serious, the last three years I was a student I worked full-time for the University I attended as a custodian. Full-time employees of the university had free tuition, and so I did not pay tuition the last three years I was a student. A lot of universities have a similar deal. Tack on my part time contracts, and I was making enough money to pay for school, living, and save some.

Even today as a professional in I.T. I make more money than I ever thought I would. But my wife and I still have a cleaning contract on three buildings in Helena. People look down at custodians, but realistically you can pay yourself about $30-40 an hour if you have a good system and work hard. It’s good extra money. Particularly in these uncertain times.

Just saw Sportsman's Warehouse is hiring a janitor, definitely considering that after what you have told me. Thanks for the advice!
Some good advice on here...a few my kids have done as well; janitorial service after hours for a restaurant, Sportsman's Warehouse pretty good on part-time hours AND you get a discount!, also 1+ on Door Dash, youngest is doing that up in Canada while she waits to see if her basketball season is actually going to happen and is in school as well. Good luck and just be up front with them about your needs, reputations can follow you when you bail on an employer because of inconvenience!
Hit up Dr. Rahel in Fisheries, Dr. Ben David on the wildlife side, try Dr. Hall on the limnology side of things. They might have some grad students needing help, usually pays about 10 bucks an hour. If not, they may be able to steer you towards someone who does.

Finding work in Laramie is tough. As a full time student I worked for two grad students a couple hours a week and worked part time in Cheyenne. Never knew if I was coming or going.
I'll say this, I know many business owners here in Laramie, many talk of not being able to find younger folks that actually want to work. Lots of folks need part time help right now just go around town and ask if they have any openings.
Once fall gets here you can make bank removing snow around town from folks sidewalks.
Do you have any trade skills ?
Now is the time to find your job, before the rest of the students get back in town.
Some business really slow down in winter so ask about that if you interview.
Forgot about our new Sportsman's Warehouse, Murdoch's are good folks too at their store in town.
Don't wait til later in August when the rest of your classmates are back.
UW may need some part time custodians, check on campus employment as well.

Welcome to town, hope you enjoy your stay !
I'll say this, I know many business owners here in Laramie, many talk of not being able to find younger folks that actually want to work. Lots of folks need part time help right now just go around town and ask if they have any openings.
Once fall gets here you can make bank removing snow around town from folks sidewalks.
Do you have any trade skills ?
Now is the time to find your job, before the rest of the students get back in town.
Some business really slow down in winter so ask about that if you interview.
Forgot about our new Sportsman's Warehouse, Murdoch's are good folks too at their store in town.
Don't wait til later in August when the rest of your classmates are back.
UW may need some part time custodians, check on campus employment as well.

Welcome to town, hope you enjoy your stay !

yeah I will definitely give that a try, I have several years experience in painting so that might come in handy as well, thanks for the advice!
Nameless Range had a good point. As a college student I was the Lead Building Manager at the Student Union. Basically worked the information desk, made sure meeting rooms were set up for events, worked with the custodial staff a lot on getting those tasks done. Supervised a gropup of other college students and created a schedule around their classes to accommodate them. Also check out the Outdoor program at UW, They need people for gear rentals as well as trip guides.

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