Jim Zumbo?????


Nov 30, 2005
Has anyone seen the comments made by mister Zumbo. What a definate bad choice of comments. Looks as if Remington severed all ties with Jim. Looked on remingtons website and confirmed this. What a smack in the face of the hunting society.
thanks guppie I was just about ready to put it up. What a joke. I always thought he was a little off. Well at least I don't have to watch his hunting show anymore. Maybe a little more Tred Barta. :D :D I can guarantee you he won't be saying anything like that. HAPPY HUNTING
he say that a "assualt rifle" has no business in the hunting community. He also states that if you have an assualt rifle he says you are in the same classification as a terrorist. I have tried to find it in the blogs on Outdoor Life but I haven't been able to find. 24hourcampfire has more info. GO TRED BARTA. :p
They took down, or froze any blogs concerning the issue. Most of his major sponsers have already dropped him. Unbelievable how a coupla' unappropriate comments can just about erase 30+ years of sportsmenship and credability. Gotta feel for the guy.
All his sponsers have let him go ,his tv show has been canceled . Everyone makes mistakes but a guy that has been in the hunting and outdoor bussiness as long as him should just plain know better than say stuff like he did.
Read that the dems are introducing new gun control legislation and one of the listed guns to ban is a Ruger mini-14. Dumbo's comments came at a very bad time and are already being used by our enemies.
Maybe he met Hillary and she sucked his brains out...

I wonder what size shoe he wears?

His smile is sure to change with that boot in his mouth...
Jim screwed up by voicing his true opinion. Well guess what, his voice and opinion represent many businesses in this hunting and shooting industry, and he should have known better.
He was FIRED for his actions, and you guys need to get over it. He can apologize all he wants, and i wont hate him (don't now)and neither will the businesses that fired him but he cannot expect a welfare check from the businesses that fed him for years even after he made a huge mistake. Mistakes are one thing, business is business and if you were the owner of a multi million dollar business that was in the shooting, or hunting sector you would be thinking a lot different. He mad his bed, and now he will lay in it. I wish him the best and i think he will do just fine, but with a few less sponsors.
To bad for him. I alway liked watching his shows and talking with him at the Sportsmans shows. It seams like your freedom of speech is not so free when you are in the spotlight all the time, just ask to Dixie Chicks..
To bad for him. I alway liked watching his shows and talking with him at the Sportsmans shows. It seams like your freedom of speech is not so free when you are in the spotlight all the time, just ask to Dixie Chicks..
Benchleg...I'm not picking on you or anything, but this is something that really bugs me. Personally, I don't know this guy so I don't have a dog in the fight.

But what bugs me is when people, and you certainly aren't the only one, talk about free speech. Jim Zumbo's free speech was in no way violated. He was free to say whatever the hell he wanted to, as were the Dixie Chicks. However, the people who sign their checks have every right to take action against them. I am a 1st grade teacher and I certainly can not say things in my classroom that I am free to say in other places. I have never felt that my rights were violated. It is what is appropriate for the situation. If I worked for hunting/shooting companies, I certainly would not make statements that went against guns/gun rights.

Many people believe that the 1st amendment means that people are free to say whatever they want without repercussion, and that is just not true. It is in relation to the government not making any LAWS against free speech.
Benchleg...I'm not picking on you or anything, but this is something that really bugs me. Personally, I don't know this guy so I don't have a dog in the fight.

But what bugs me is when people, and you certainly aren't the only one, talk about free speech. Jim Zumbo's free speech was in no way violated. He was free to say whatever the hell he wanted to, as were the Dixie Chicks. However, the people who sign their checks have every right to take action against them. I am a 1st grade teacher and I certainly can not say things in my classroom that I am free to say in other places. I have never felt that my rights were violated. It is what is appropriate for the situation. If I worked for hunting/shooting companies, I certainly would not make statements that went against guns/gun rights.

Many people believe that the 1st amendment means that people are free to say whatever they want without repercussion, and that is just not true. It is in relation to the government not making any LAWS against free speech.

I understand what you are saying, words have consequences just the same as actions. Thats the reality of this country, like it or not...
I still contend that there are two seperate issues and most of the NRA numbskulls dont get it.

If Zumbo would have said something to the effect of an all-out ban on assault weapons...I agree...throw him out.

What he was saying, although poorly, is that he believes that assault weapons portray a negative image of hunters. He also believes they have very little pratical application for most hunting purposes.

I think a lot of hunters agree, but like Zumbo, know they will be thrown under the bus for their opinions.

There are caliber restrictions, weight limits, sight limits, all kinds of limitations on legal firearms for hunting purposes in nearly every state. Funny...I dont hear the NRA kooks writing letters of protest to the states for those limitations????

Making a firearm illegal to use FOR HUNTING is not a violation or threat to the second amendment...thats a fact. If states choose to limit assault weapons for hunting, they have the right to.
Mr. Zumbo's career consisted of his words as a valuable commodity. He nullified the commercial perception of said commodity with his remarks.

Even with all the negativity, I'd rather have him inside the hunter 'tent' pissing out. FWIW

I somewhat agree.

However, I believe the NRA and its loyal membership have severely over-reacted in this case.

It does prove one thing though...how well the NRA has brain-washed its followers.
So what exactly are the calibers of those nasty assault weapons that can't be good to hunt with? Are they too large or too small? Oh, they are the same as the very guns you hunt with but they just don't LOOK the same. I see no logic in that issue at all relative to hunting. I also think that we have a constitutional right to own military class weapons in semi-auto that have nothing to do with hunting. They were designed for self defense and killing humans just like many of the pistols we own and carry. So are those terrorist weapons?

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