Yeti GOBOX Collection

Jewell on Bundy Verdict


Well-known member
Dec 10, 2010
Bozeman, MT
Long before even Jarbridge's "Shovel Brigade" remember hearing the instances of Federal Employees fearing for their safety for simply doing their job.

To: All Department of the Interior Employees

From: Secretary Jewell

Subject: Verdict in Malheur National Wildlife Refuge Armed Occupation

As you know, a Federal jury last evening delivered its verdicts following the trial concerning the 41-day armed occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Oregon. While we must respect the jury’s decision because we believe in the rule of law and our system of justice, I am profoundly disappointed in this outcome and am concerned about its potential implications for our employees and for the effective management of public lands.

Deputy Secretary Mike Connor and I visited Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in March to meet with employees impacted by the occupation. It was painful to hear from employees who had devoted entire careers to public service and were worried about their safety as they carried out their important missions on behalf of the American people. It was disheartening to walk room to room and survey the damage and destruction caused by occupiers to the natural, cultural, and tribal resources.

And yet, I left Malheur inspired by the incredible collaboration and partnerships that the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and Bureau of Land Management had formed with the residents of Harney County long before the occupiers traveled to Oregon. These relationships will endure long after the jury’s verdict. The strong foundation created by relationships, such as the High Desert Partnership, helped the community begin the healing process from this terrible tragedy and get back to the business of working together for the common good.

As we digest the jury’s verdict, our foremost priority continues to be the safety, security, and well-being of people who comprise the Federal family and those visiting America’s public lands. I am absolutely committed to maintaining a safe work environment that allows employees to uphold the laws of the United States and carry out our mission of responsible public land and water stewardship for the benefit of all Americans. That will never change.

I want to again express my sincere thanks to the Federal, State, and local law enforcement authorities who worked around the clock to resolve this situation as quickly and safely as possible, and for the dedicated professionals at the Department of Justice for their efforts in this case. Additionally, I want to thank all of the public servants who work tirelessly to conserve, protect, and promote America’s natural and cultural resources. I am proud of you and feel fortunate to call you my colleague.

In the coming days and weeks, I encourage you to take care of yourselves and your fellow employees. The armed occupation in Oregon was and continues to be a reminder that employees in all offices should remain vigilant and report any suspicious activity to your supervisor and, where appropriate, law enforcement officials.

As public servants, we are held to a higher standard in all we do, and I know we can meet this challenge, too. In the face of a difficult situation, we have shown that perseverance and partnership is the best path forward to celebrate and honor our Nation’s incredible landscapes – and all of their uses – for generations to come.
Yep, the rhetoric has emboldened the wingnuts and now there is a new reality that government employees face.

Last year, we had a group of individuals find our hidden key (no longer do this) in our government truck, unhook a trailer, push it into the weeds off the road. They also moved the truck across the road, parked on the fill slope with 2 tires off the road. These guys were confronted, they "claimed" that they moved the truck because they thought their cattle drive would damage our vehicle where it was parked (on a public road). Doubtful, but even so, they could have put the vehicle back and not shoved the trailer off the road and into the weeds. We were called "f-ing Obama employees" and other such choice words...funny thing is, I didn't break into anyone's truck, unhook their trailer, and shove the trailer off into the brush...yet I was the monster.

Then just last week...another choice one.

My work partner and I found a stash of stolen property (a literal truckload) near an old mine on the National Forest. We reported it to the local FS office, and eventually the county Sheriffs office got involved. The next morning we took the 2 sheriff's deputies to the stash of stolen goods, and low and behold the suspect was there. The suspect had 2 warrants and was arrested. Spent a couple hours cleaning up the area and helping the 2 deputies load up all the stolen property. Hopefully, its returned to the owners.

Anyway, when we get back to our truck...found this on our windshield. Never mind that we DID NOT block what little is left of the "unloading dock". Something we found out later the local FS office has been in the process of removing for the last couple years, and is going to remove. We parked parallel and well in front of the "unloading dock", even though not a single vehicle in the parking area was without ATV ramps.

Heres the shittygram:


This has nothing at all to do with where our vehicle was parked and 100% about the plates on the vehicle. Never mind that thanks to my partner and I, a wanted criminal is off the streets and hopefully several victims of burglary get their stuff back. No good deed goes unpunished.

Also, I never had any issues like this at all in the past. The rhetoric and bullchit like this Bundy incident are the reason why the low-life's now feel like they can get away with this kind of behavior.

The sad part is, incidents like this are becoming very common now, something I didn't see at all even 10 years ago. I used to go out of my way to talk to people I see in the woods, now, I'd rather not as I just don't know what kind of an agenda there is. Sad really, as a vast majority of people are great...just not worth it to take the chance anymore.

IMO, nobody should have to put up with this kind of shit at work...nobody.

So, thanks to the jury in Oregon for nothing...all they did was ramp up the .gov rhetoric.
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The disabled vet is a real dandy, don't think I'll be thanking him for his service to our country any time soon. Vets can be assholes too. No, I'm not anti-vet just anti a-holes.
Yep, the rhetoric has emboldened the wingnuts and now there is a new reality that government employees face.

Last year, we had a group of individuals find our hidden key (no longer do this) in our government truck, unhook a trailer, push it into the weeds off the road. They also moved the truck across the road, parked on the fill slope with 2 tires off the road. These guys were confronted, they "claimed" that they moved the truck because they thought their cattle drive would damage our vehicle where it was parked (on a public road). Doubtful, but even so, they could have put the vehicle back and not shoved the trailer off the road and into the weeds. We were called "f-ing Obama employees" and other such choice words...funny thing is, I didn't break into anyone's truck, unhook their trailer, and shove the trailer off into the brush...yet I was the monster.

Then just last week...another choice one.

My work partner and I found a stash of stolen property (a literal truckload) near an old mine on the National Forest. We reported it to the local FS office, and eventually the county Sheriffs office got involved. The next morning we took the 2 sheriff's deputies to the stash of stolen goods, and low and behold the suspect was there. The suspect had 2 warrants and was arrested. Spent a couple hours cleaning up the area and helping the 2 deputies load up all the stolen property. Hopefully, its returned to the owners.

Anyway, when we get back to our truck...found this on our windshield. Never mind that we DID NOT block what little is left of the "unloading dock". Something we found out later the local FS office has been in the process of removing for the last couple years, and is going to remove. We parked parallel and well in front of the "unloading dock", even though not a single vehicle in the parking area was without ATV ramps.

Heres the shittygram:

View attachment 63653

This has nothing at all to do with where our vehicle was parked and 100% about the plates on the vehicle. Never mind that thanks to my partner and I, a wanted criminal is off the streets and hopefully several victims of burglary get their stuff back. No good deed goes unpunished.

Also, I never had any issues like this at all in the past. The rhetoric and bullchit like this Bundy incident are the reason why the low-life's now feel like they can get away with this kind of behavior.

The sad part is, incidents like this are becoming very common now, something I didn't see at all even 10 years ago. I used to go out of my way to talk to people I see in the woods, now, I'd rather not as I just don't know what kind of an agenda there is. Sad really, as a vast majority of people are great...just not worth it to take the chance anymore.

IMO, nobody should have to put up with this kind of shit at work...nobody.

So, thanks to the jury in Oregon for nothing...all they did was ramp up the .gov rhetoric.

I guess the jury consisted of the 12 stupidest people in Oregon. Probably all Ranchers or AG connected.
National Wildlife Refuge Association Concerned About Safety of Refuge Staff After Acquittal of Bundy Brothers and Armed Occupiers from Malheur National Wildlife Refuge

WASHINGTON, Oct. 28, 2016 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Late yesterday, a federal jury found the seven armed occupiers who took over and occupied the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Oregon to be not guilty of conspiring to impede federal workers from doing their jobs during those 41 days in January and February this year.

This decision leaves us stunned, outraged and extremely concerned for the safety and welfare of staff and visitors on national wildlife refuges across the nation.

The employees of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service have dedicated their careers to public service that benefits each and every American. But who among us would willingly risk going to work knowing that armed occupiers can, without consequence, take over any and every desk, compromise careful research collected over years of field seasons, and urge others nationwide to join them?

The verdict came on the 158th birthday of President Theodore Roosevelt, who designated the first national wildlife refuge in 1903. President Roosevelt would never have stood by if something like this happened and nor can we.

The Refuge Association, a non-profit organization devoted to promoting the Refuge System as the world's largest network of protected wildlife and habitat, calls upon Congress to immediately provide the Refuge System with the number of Federal Wildlife Officers needed to keep staff and visitors safe. Congress must ensure that all Americans can freely enjoy our public lands without the danger of encountering armed occupiers claiming the authority to restrict public access.

Please join us by signing this petition, which will be delivered to every member of Congress when they return after the election.

Petition Language:

As an American who values national wildlife refuges – and expects to be able to safely visit refuges with my family – I stand with the National Wildlife Refuge Association in calling for Congress to provide an additional $134 million for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in the final FY17 appropriations bill to provide an adequate number of Federal Wildlife Officers on duty at every one of our 566 national wildlife refuges. This funding will allow the Fish and Wildlife Service to protect its staff and refuge visitors. If armed occupiers can legally take over a national wildlife refuge, then as an American, I deserve the right to have Federal Wildlife Officers protect my right to be there too.

Deadline to Sign:

November 14th, 2016

Desiree Sorenson-Groves
(202) 290-5593|
[email protected]

SOURCE National Wildlife Refuge Association

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I guess the jury consisted of the 12 stupidest people in Oregon. Probably all Ranchers or AG connected.

If you have had any recent dealings with federal law enforcement and subsequently assist us attorneys, you would be shocked. They are not what they once were, the lack of training, knowledge, and competency is stunning. I would not be so quick to blame the jury.....
If you have had any recent dealings with federal law enforcement and subsequently assist us attorneys, you would be shocked. They are not what they once were, the lack of training, knowledge, and competency is stunning. I would not be so quick to blame the jury.....

If true, that is interesting, to say the least. I can think of several different angles on the cause for this. Trying to fix it would be like swimming in glue.
Yep, the rhetoric has emboldened the wingnuts and now there is a new reality that government employees face.

So, thanks to the jury in Oregon for nothing...all they did was ramp up the .gov rhetoric.

So you are blaming the jury for something that happened to you before the verdict was handed down?

This is proof you don't need intelligence to be a Federal employee.

The fact is that your employer did nothing to follow the law in ND on ACOE lands.

That is more empowering than some verdict.
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Are you going to apologize for lying James?

A lie requires intent to deceive. I did not intend to deceive you or anyone else. I was obviously being facetious. (Look it up.)

You are correct when you say it is a lie that "That DAPL is protecting ACOE land." They are not protecting the land. They seek to rape it.

Sum and substance:

The FBI is not protecting ACOE land. They are letting DAPL rape it.
The DAPL is not protecting ACOE land. They are trying to rape it.
The protesters are trying to protecting ACOE land.

See how that works? Everyone was in on it except you. I won't apologize for something I did not do. I am, however, sorry you did not see what just happened to you.
So you are blaming the jury for something that happened to you before the verdict was handed down?

I think your reading skills could use some work...comprehension too.

Are you lying Odin, or just having trouble following along?

If you don't believe verdicts like this are going to increase the anti-government rhetoric, you aren't only lacking in the intelligence department, but also the common sense department.
A lie requires intent to deceive. I did not intend to deceive you or anyone else. I was obviously being facetious. (Look it up.)

You are correct when you say it is a lie that "That DAPL is protecting ACOE land." They are not protecting the land. They seek to rape it.

Sum and substance:

The FBI is not protecting ACOE land. They are letting DAPL rape it.
The DAPL is not protecting ACOE land. They are trying to rape it.
The protesters are trying to protecting ACOE land.

See how that works? Everyone was in on it except you. I won't apologize for something I did not do. I am, however, sorry you did not see what just happened to you.

DAPL is not harming the land at all.

The Feds chose to apply the law in Oregon but not ND.

Those are the facts.
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