Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

Javelina hunt pictures.


New member
Jan 22, 2001
San Antonio, Texas, USA
My friend, KC, from Colorado Springs came down for the weekend. We went on a hog hunt and a javelina hunt.

Has a few pictures under javelina. He got a few meat hogs and we both got javelina in a day's hunt. We could have shot more hogs if we wanted them at $75/day for 2 javelina plus $0.50/lb on a hog. There's an AC cabin to cook/sleep/shower in for another $25/day. The liscense here is $35. That's 75+35=$110 minimum for a good chance at two javelina, then add in $25/night if you want AC instead of primitive camping, and say $75-$100 IF you want to shoot a 150-200lb hog. We saw several in one evening's hunt. This place will only handle up to 10 at a time maybe though.

It was a great visit and hunt! Check out the hunting rig that's used here in south Texas at some places. :cool: :cool:
Cool pictures, Tom. What did you use? Your .30-06 or something smaller? Those little pigs look like they'd be fun to hunt! Do you Texans bait them or shoot them under feeders like you do wild pigs?
There's captions below the pictures but to read them on my computer I have to scroll down a little. A javelina is about 40 lbs, its a collard peccary really and not a hog. We get two per year here with no draw, and the over the counter out of state $35 liscense covers them, hogs, and exotics. This year I limited out and got both with my new to me 22-250 but I've gotten them before with my compound bow and with the 30-06. The first one this year was just stalking in a canyon and I found him. The second one was over bait that that truck corn thrower put out. This pulls them out of the cactus and other thorny bushes in south Texas. We circled on the ranch roads looking for them, then worked in for a shot. They have lousy eye sight but if they decide that you're after them, they dissappear pretty quick. The older ones have neat tusks. I'm getting ham steaks and breakfast sausage made out of the meat. I saved the ribs that weren't shot up for barbeque, as I have a friend who does ribs real well.

Most places I've hunted them, they are just hit and miss, where they show up sometime during deer season and I go after one.

This south Texas place has a good supply of them and we could do a group hunt there sometime probably.

Javelina season is year round but this place is mainly for deer, so we couldn't hunt the javelina during deer season unless we hunted deer. The deer hunt on this 7000 acre ranch is high priced as its got 1 deer per 7 acres and is a deer habitat meca.

Sometime between feb. to sept. would be the javelina hunt times there and its pretty cheap, once you're here. They have hogs too during the same hunt. Its something to consider.

The guide lives on this ranch, so he knows where to corn the road, he also attributes the high success at this ranch to going all over it, instead of just putting hunters in assigned areas. The first javelina I got this year I searched for over several weekends and finally found him, plus that ranch where I got him doesn't have as many javelina as this south Texas ranch from last weekend.

I put a hog picture in there now too. We saw two other groups besides the one pictured.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 05-28-2002 18:05: Message edited by: Tom ]</font>
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