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James Swan on long distance hunting shots

IMO it depends on type of game ... knowing your rifle....etc,... most of everything has been covered here.... I have no problem shooting over 400 at a pig/coues with a 25-06 or a 7mag with 110 grns...I have never used a range finder... and 99% of the time its a 1 shot 1 kill....Elk being the exception...coyotes are I shoot at them no matter what... Even a hail Mary shot will be attempted
One of my most memorable hunts was two seasons ago. Nothing but flat, lopes out in stubble four miles out. We crab walked out as close as we could, found a low spot to get into and belly crawled to it. By this time the lopes were slowly feeding our direction. We laid down cleared a couple shooting lanes and waited for a half hr to forty five min. When the lopes got to us we had to shift around 90 degrees to line em up. 5 does cross in front of us before the bucks showed up. Each one stopped and looked us over at 75 yards. Rest is history. No he wasn't huge, but the stalk makes this memorable. As you can see in the pic it was flat. I have taken long, 400-500+, shots, but this was way more rewarding to me. Each his own! I guess it comes down to knowing your limits and how much effort you are willing to expend to actually hunt. Personally, 1000 yards for me is on paper.


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I don't make a habit of killing critters at extended yardages, but I've equipped myself with the equipment and the skills to take care of any situation. mtmuley
I was patting myself on the back for a 523 yard shot, but some of you guys are straight up Ninja shooters :eek:
Big brother must be looking over my shoulder. It keeps kicking out.Let try this. All this about long range shooting. who cares. What is to long for OFF HAND shooting that comes in to play more then a 900yrd shot. Myself 100-175 max in good condsitions. Next it will be you have the wrong color bullet or your left handed and thats not fair. When will it stop. Hunting is what the person makes of it. I've seen guys shoot at 25yrds and can't it a barn.
Yes I have a long range rifle . After hundreds of rounds at the range .I can kill paper at 1000 yds. with a three inch group. I learned a lot about shooting doing it. Now I know my limts. No wind or 5 to 8mph 600yards is not and issue for me and still one shot one kill. But 0-400 is prime time or the sweat spot. I will leave the gut shooting to the guys shooting off hand 200 plus. LOL
Maybe whit is that guy. From his post sounds like he's talking hunting rifle and 1000 for 3 inch groups. I'm still gonna say no. mtmuley
I'd also like to see member whit post some of those 1000 yard 3" group targets he's shooting when the world record shown in that link is 2.815".
So I agree with most of the above posters. But I will throw out a question. What is too far regardless of the conditions for even the best of shooters? Is 800 yards too far? 1000 yards? Is there an ethical shot at 1,500 yards under the best of conditions? Or is there no limit? I would like to hear from those who have shot a lot at longer distances and are qualified to answer. I personally think there is a limit, but havent cemented yet what exactly that number is in my mind.

The time between when the brain says "Continue squeezing trigger, ignition imminent" and the bullet lands is so long there is so much that can change (most notably animal position).
3 inches at 1000 yards? Are you sure? I gotta say no. mtmuley

And what makes you so sure?? They guy who built my rifle shot a 5 shot 2.5" group at 925 yards.........he knows as well as anyone, luck plays a big role. But to jump out when you have no idea and call BS on someone who very well may have done such a task is a little BS if you ask me........
And by the way, I don't know whit from Adam so no idea if he did this or not, but since i've seen such groups shot by guys who compete and shoot long range targets all the time, I would say its possible....
I'd also like to see member whit post some of those 1000 yard 3" group targets he's shooting when the world record shown in that link is 2.815".

Is it just the person you don't believe or is this a blanket statement for anyone that could shoot a group at 1000 of 3"? First off, that group in the link is a 10 SHOT group, and incredibly unbelievable.....How do you know whits group wasn't a 3 shot group? I'ts a far different ball game, shooting a 3" group of 3 or 4 or 5 shots than it is a 10 shot.........

Again, don't know if whit shot his group he mentioned or not, but all you guys giving him no credibility on it is ridiculous..........

I shot a 1.5" 3 shot group at 600 yards, yes with a witness and target to prove. Could I go out and do it again tomorrow, doubt it, but maybe.

Just sayin, you wouldn't believe a friggin thing that ol Bob Mundun could do shooting a pistol if you didn't know who he was;)
"Is it just the person you don't believe or is this a blanket statement for anyone that could shoot a group at 1000 of 3"? First off, that group in the link is a 10 SHOT group, and incredibly unbelievable.....How do you know whits group wasn't a 3 shot group? I'ts a far different ball game, shooting a 3" group of 3 or 4 or 5 shots than it is a 10 shot........."

It's certainly not a blanket statement, as I know good groups can be done by a select few. However, even those select few aren't going to do 3" groups routinely. The reason I doubted his comment is that in his first post whit stated his comfort zone was inside 200 yards. Then he made a second post about people shooting longer distances. Then all of a sudden in his third post he says he has a LR rifle and is shooting 3" groups at 1000 yards. That just didn't seem to add up to me since most LR folks that hunt generally aren't limiting their shots on game to under 200 yards when they are doing what he stated on targets at 1000 yards!
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