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It Aint Really hunting .............

Musky Hunter

New member
Jul 20, 2009
:confused: Just Got done watching a "hunting" show on ODC , they must be kidding , they go down to a Mexico Ranch , drive to a blind , get in a few minutes later on the road in front of them there must have been 10 Bucks 20 yds away , mostly mature 4 and 5 year olds , feeding together within 2 feet of each other , like a group of cows , so this Guy aims shoots one , down it goes the other ones barely scatter , then they call for a pickup , they get back to the ranch High 5's All Around , great job what a hunt! Hell the Buck goes 200 Lbs ! Of course he does theye been feeding him good stuff for 4 years! :)

WHAT HUNT??? Ive seen some pathetic excuses for hunting but this takes the CAKE! These game ranches are farms thats all instead of cows or sheep they raise deer , feed him , fatten up for 4 or 5 years , There like tame pets,, then some pencil pusher comes down they hand him a rifle , take him in a blind , say SHOOT NOW ! lol NOW he's a Great Hunter , has a Head mount for the wall He's paid $1500-2000 for the this" Hunt "
In My northern state there are NO Deer farms for hunting , its illegal as it should be ! We hunt 65 acres of land we only go there a couple times a year. Some years we've gotten deer some not , but we have NO Idea where they are or if there even around . When there's snow we try to track , or if we got a gang will drive while a couple guys post , But were REALLY hunting not sitting in some blind 20 yds from a feeding plot waiting to "Harvest" a Tame deer . Well thats all I gotta say
Thanks for reading
Musky Hunter
Just remember we are ALL hunters in 1 way or another you don't have to agree but respect everyone's option

Just my 2 cents
We all have opinions, and I guess I feel the way you do, except it is about deer drives. You can't actually call that hunting with a straight face, can you? I mean you get your gang of guys together and they run through the wooods scaring any deer around to you. That isn't hunting.:rolleyes:

We hunt 65 acres of land we only go there a couple times a year. Some years we've gotten deer some not , but we have NO Idea where they are or if there even around.

You might want to go out and take a look around more than a couple of times a year, maybe even do a little scouting, cut some shooting lanes and just generally improve the habitat of your 65 acres and it would probably enhance your hunting considerably.:rolleyes:
Musky Hunter...welcome to OYOA and the forums! I think you'll enjoy the people and ideas exchanged here.
1st and foremost I agree with MuleCrazy...we are all hunters in one form or another...and hey...maybe that was the 'pencil pusher's' 1st hunt that he enjoys so much that he decides to take it further, learn more and enjoy other types of hunting?...the wildlife and local economies can use the tax/license/equipment revenue he generated.
But I hear your frustration as it may not appear like the same type of hunting you are familiar with...sometimes those shows seem to make it appear like shootin fish in a barrel...a small one at Remem,ber, those hunts are for filming, showing results and making advertising $$$$$$.
Keep in mind...there are many 'ways', 'types' and "pursuits' in the realm of hunting...many depend on geography, tradition and what works in that area. On my farm in north Missouri as well as here in Nebraska when we deer hunt we do some still hunting, stand hunting and when it gets slow or we need some action we drive willow patches in the bottoms or ditches in the's all fun and just trying to produce opportunity.
Hope to see you around here on the forums!
A buddy invited me hunting with him years ago in another state. He loaned me a shotgun, put me in a ladder-type thing in the back of a pick-up that was parked on a dirt road. He told me to shoot every deer I saw then he and some buddies went around the other side, dropped off the dogs and came my way. A half dozen deer crossed about 40 yards from me, I did not fire a shot and was not invited back. Great guy. He just hunts different, I don't condone it but I don't hate either.
Sounds like just the type of show the general public should not be watchin, (I've heard tell of an ouutfit that does OYOA shows for the same network....):hump:
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