Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Is it chilly in here?

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I think it’s supposed to climb to -15* today with -30’s windchill. So glad it’s Super Bowl weekend. Going to help a friend check traps today, then hunkering down. Supposed to be colder tomorrow.

Certainly not the coldest ever, but it sure seems to hurt a lot more after it’s been so mild all winter. I was walking around in shirtsleeves a couple days ago! 😁

Hope everyone is staying warm this weekend. If you are avoiding the cold, what do you have planned to keep yourself entertained?
Goodness gracious, that looks miserable. it was 84 here today and in the 90’s earlier this week. The cold air is supposed to be headed our way with temps in the teens by Friday though. Sitting by the fire now in a t-shirt and I’m a bit chilly
They're talking about -50 windchill here and down to Duluth. It's suppose to stay nasty through the week. I'm working on taxidermy projects. Repairing an old mountain goat that's missing one horn is the challenge for tomorrow. Made the mold today from existing horn today. Casting the new one in the morning.
To each his/her own. For me and mine, I pray to only visit places that can get that cold. And not be there during those times. 😎
I moved to NM to partially NOT deal with MT winters.
4 deg last week, below zero with the wind.
Got down to -40 a couple years ago. Below zero for 3 weeks in the mornings.
Was cutting & stacking firewood in shirtsleaves yesterday til the wind came up. Gotta love those 50 degree temp swings daily.
Bummer is I found a water leak/break on a pipe end that was lacking insulation....now I can't dig it up and fix til the ground thaws some.
30 this morning heading to mid 50's. Snow & cold return next weekend.
Just finished up plowing and shoveling another fresh 8 inches of powder and it is still coming down.

When this storm first hit Friday night, my wife and I came across a lady stuck in the ditch on the frontage road. I ran over to see if she needed help and she refused to talk to me. She then proceeded to unstick herself, missing launching herself down a ravine by about a yard. We called the cops as I figured she was drunk. She then proceeded to swerve from one edge to another, and I was sure I was gonna witness something terrible. Ultimately she parked in the middle of the highway. I went up to her and opened her door and told her she was not to move her car. She got pissed and was about to defiantly hit the gas, when my wife who is an angel, opened her passenger door and chatted her up like an old friend. Distracted her for a good 20 minutes. When the cops got there it turns out she had been missing for many hours and had dementia. Crazy.

Yesterday we were talking about how if she had driven down into that ravine and no one had seen, it was snowing so hard that her tracks would’ve been covered up in a half hour. It was late in the evening and snowing and blowing and no one was out driving. Makes my skin crawl thinking about it looking at the thermometer this morning.

-19 this morning! I stepped outside in my boxer shorts and slippers for a few minutes this morning to get the pours opened up. A little chill is Much better then stepping out and instantly being soaked in sweat.
Smoking some snack sticks on the smoker this morning. You know when you take meat out of the fridge and walk it outside and its steaming its cold!
-12 this morning riding the 4-wheeler plowing snow. The 1/4 mile run down to my dad's place and then back was NOT fun!
Just finished up plowing and shoveling another fresh 8 inches of powder and it is still coming down.

When this storm first hit Friday night, my wife and I came across a lady stuck in the ditch on the frontage road. I ran over to see if she needed help and she refused to talk to me. She then proceeded to unstick herself, missing launching herself down a ravine by about a yard. We called the cops as I figured she was drunk. She then proceeded to swerve from one edge to another, and I was sure I was gonna witness something terrible. Ultimately she parked in the middle of the highway. I went up to her and opened her door and told her she was not to move her car. She got pissed and was about to defiantly hit the gas, when my wife who is an angel, opened her passenger door and chatted her up like an old friend. Distracted her for a good 20 minutes. When the cops got there it turns out she had been missing for many hours and had dementia. Crazy.

Yesterday we were talking about how if she had driven down into that ravine and no one had seen, it was snowing so hard that her tracks would’ve been covered up in a half hour. It was late in the evening and snowing and blowing and no one was out driving. Makes my skin crawl thinking about it looking at the thermometer this morning.

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Good thing you were there.
I'm in a t shirt and board shorts today. @ajricketts is probably going out lobstering before the season closes. @Hunting Wife what in the actual hell does it feel like to have your eye lashes freeze together.

The biggest issue in very cold weather for extended periods of time is to keep your face from freezing. You won't really realize that you have some skin exposed and you'll get frostbite. As for frozen eye lashes and beard, it kind of feels like you have hair gel that has set in your lashes/beard it's kind of annoying but you get used to it. What really sucks is when your top and bottom eye lashes freeze together...
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