Is it blown up?

Globally, influenza kills 290,000-650,000 annually. School aren't shut down and you can find sanitizers on store shelves. Furthermore, there are those that won't get their flu shot every year because of misinformation.

Hype? Absolutely. Furthermore, kids aren't targeted by this virus for unknown reasons. Possibly due to the Coronvirus as a class, is a common URI infection, in kids. They still don't really know. Obviously, this is a new strain and/or strains. Let's not forget 80% will have no or mild symptoms. Average age of death 80. Average age of those with complications is 60.

Making an attempt to contain and prevent spread of the virus within the community is all we can do. Even though in the end it may be futile.

I'm a healthcare provider and I'm not worried if I get it. I'm not worried if my kids get it. My whole family is healthy. We are not high-risk for complications. Data is CLEAR. For my kids and the young influenza is the killer. For the elderly or those with comorbid condition they should take the same precautions that they should be doing for the current influenza season. Unfortunately, that population has to deal with both the coronavirus and influenza. Both prey on the elderly.

Wash your hands. Don't touch your face (eyes, nose, mouth). Avoid those who are sick especially those partaking in respiratory droplet transmission (cough, sneeze).
Globally, influenza kills 290,000-650,000 annually. School aren't shut down and you can find sanitizers on store shelves. Furthermore, there are those that won't get their flu shot every year because of misinformation.

Hype? Absolutely. Furthermore, kids aren't targeted by this virus for unknown reasons. Possibly due to the Coronvirus as a class, is a common URI infection, in kids. They still don't really know. Obviously, this is a new strain and/or strains. Let's not forget 80% will have no or mild symptoms. Average age of death 80. Average age of those with complications is 60.

Making an attempt to contain and prevent spread of the virus within the community is all we can do. Even though in the end it may be futile.

I'm a healthcare provider and I'm not worried if I get it. I'm not worried if my kids get it. My whole family is healthy. We are not high-risk for complications. Data is CLEAR. For my kids and the young influenza is the killer. For the elderly or those with comorbid condition they should take the same precautions that they should be doing for the current influenza season. Unfortunately, that population has to deal with both the coronavirus and influenza. Both prey on the elderly.

You and your family are healthy, so it is easy to say don't worry. You say the Data is CLEAR and then point out how much the experts don't know. We know this is NOT the common flu and death-count comparisons to it are silly. With the data we see now, if this infect a billion people like the flu, 2,000,000 die. Sure, most will be elderly, but some will be perfectly healthy. The only way to prevent the spread is drastic isolation steps. Call it hype, but it is necessary. Unfortunately we live in a world where we get news 24/7 at our fingertips.

We can agree that it is not going to end civilization and hoarding TP makes no sense, but I think downplaying this is the exact opposite of what we should be doing.
We’re currently at 4088 deaths worldwide. We are a long way from 2 million. And thank you for at least using one of the more conservative numbers that I’ve seen people throw around. 4088 people worldwide
You and your family are healthy, so it is easy to say don't worry. You say the Data is CLEAR and then point out how much the experts don't know. We know this is NOT the common flu and death-count comparisons to it are silly. With the data we see now, if this infect a billion people like the flu, 2,000,000 die. Sure, most will be elderly, but some will be perfectly healthy. The only way to prevent the spread is drastic isolation steps. Call it hype, but it is necessary. Unfortunately we live in a world where we get news 24/7 at our fingertips.

We can agree that it is not going to end civilization and hoarding TP makes no sense, but I think downplaying this is the exact opposite of what we should be doing.
A little unnecessary, you're attacking a professional's opinion, that's based off knowledge and experience, with your speculations and fact-checking?

I sense desperation in your post. Based off of your history, I'd say you are on the wrong forum. You seem to get excited when the thread is on a "hot topic" but rarely on actual hunting. Just my opinion and I could be way off.
We’re currently at 4088 deaths worldwide. We are a long way from 2 million. And thank you for at least using one of the more conservative numbers that I’ve seen people throw around. 4088 people worldwide
Sure, but the paradox is that to prevent spread (and eventually moving to the 2m) you need people to be scared enough to isolate themselves when they or someone around them feel ill. If successful and we slow spread enough to prevent a pandemic, some people will say "See. Told you it was no big deal." The only thing that will convince people is reaching 2mil and then they will blame the government response.
A little unnecessary, you're attacking a professional's opinion, that's based off knowledge and experience, with your speculations and fact-checking?

I sense desperation in your post. Based off of your history, I'd say you are on the wrong forum. You seem to get excited when the thread is on a "hot topic" but rarely on actual hunting. Just my opinion and I could be way off.
No personal attack, but you seem to jump at the chance without hessitation. Just because someone says they are a "healthcare professional" doesn't make them an expert. The person admitted we don't know a lot about this. I am simply saying what the CDC and other countries who are dealing with this say. Nothing desperate about my post. See my previous post. How do we control this without an "overreaction" when people keep saying don't overreact. Personally I have flights booked over the next six weeks and will be on every one of them. So am I part of the problem or solution? Depends on your view, I guess.

I'm not the World Best Hunter, so I contribute where I feel I have something to add. Feel free to block me.
Sure, but the paradox is that to prevent spread (and eventually moving to the 2m) you need people to be scared enough to isolate themselves when they or someone around them feel ill. If successful and we slow spread enough to prevent a pandemic, some people will say "See. Told you it was no big deal." The only thing that will convince people is reaching 2mil and then they will blame the government response.
Wrong. You don’t need people to be scared being scared is an emotional response in general emotional responses are not good responses. You need to educate people about the truth about this. The average age of the deceased is 80 years old. It’s not killing children. It’s not killing people in their 20s, 30s, 40s it’s killing the elderly which most of have underlying health issues. That is unfortunate for the elderly but a lot of stuff does so I think you have to file that in a category as shit that just happens.
This virus has been running Buckwild for two months now and we’re at 4088 deaths. At that rate it’s going to take a long damn while to reach 2.5 million. Most of those 2.5 million that would be the most susceptible to this virus will probably be dead from something else by then.
No personal attack, but you seem to jump at the chance without hessitation. Just because someone says they are a "healthcare professional" doesn't make them an expert. The person admitted we don't know a lot about this. I am simply saying what the CDC and other countries who are dealing with this say. Nothing desperate about my post. See my previous post. How do we control this without an "overreaction" when people keep saying don't overreact. Personally I have flights booked over the next six weeks and will be on every one of them. So am I part of the problem or solution? Depends on your view, I guess.

I'm not the World Best Hunter, so I contribute where I feel I have something to add. Feel free to block me.
I'm pretty sure nobody on this forum, claims to be the greatest hunter. But all users typically share their experiences on "Hunt Talk"!

In a time where the country is bracing for a major event, inciting panic after a user offered their professional opinion is unnecessary.

I shouldn't have to block a user, unless being harassed. Feel free to also join a political forum. So you can express your concerns/opinions there.

I rarely comment on these types of threads and I have been reminded why.
Wrong. You don’t need people to be scared being scared is an emotional response in general emotional responses are not good responses. You need to educate people about the truth about this. The average age of the deceased is 80 years old. It’s not killing children. It’s not killing people in their 20s, 30s, 40s it’s killing the elderly which most of have underlying health issues. That is unfortunate for the elderly but a lot of stuff does so I think you have to file that in a category as shit that just happens.
This virus has been running Buckwild for two months now and we’re at 4088 deaths. At that rate it’s going to take a long damn while to reach 2.5 million. Most of those 2.5 million that would be the most susceptible to this virus will probably be dead from something else by then.
I largely agree - everything except "kill the old people" :D . If people were willing to accept the truth, education would be easier. However, finding the truth nowadays can be a bit difficult.
Avoid those who are sick especially those partaking in respiratory droplet transmission (cough, sneeze).

I try to avoid people in general, because the more I'm around them the more I think the number of people who act like herd animals has grown larger than the number of sane people. But, dang it, the wife says I need to take a trip down to Sam's Club for milk and dog food, not even going to try for TP...wish me luck!
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