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Is AZGFD a laughingstock?


Well-known member
Jul 22, 2010
Surprise, AZ
With the recent debacles of both the elk and deer draws I was wondering, do non residents view AZGFD as inept when it comes to draws? I try to give them the benefit of the doubt, but the gaffes seem to be getting worse. I would be furious if I lost out on a sheep tag because they over charged me.
Still way better than idahos lastest run, hopefully things are learned and mistakes not repeated. All western states had a rough go last few years with all these extra apps.
I find it to be the most cumbersome and frustrating state when it comes to filling out applications. Otherwise, I expect hiccups in most states and don't let it bother me. My opinion of AZ would go up if they'd be so kind as to give me a tag one of these years.
With the recent debacles of both the elk and deer draws I was wondering, do non residents view AZGFD as inept when it comes to draws? I try to give them the benefit of the doubt, but the gaffes seem to be getting worse. I would be furious if I lost out on a sheep tag because they over charged me.
What happened with the deer draw?
When I called in about my points that weren't showing up on the website they assured me that they would be checking against some excel spreadsheet (@wllm1313 intensifies) to verify my actual points level prior to the draw!?!? How does that make any sense and why couldn't you just update my actual points in the system prior to the draw?!

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What happened with the deer draw?
Resident sheep tags cost $300. They charged $2100 when they ran cards. No word what they plan to do for the people that either didn’t have the money or don’t have that large of a daily limit.
The continual mistakes are one thing, and presumably can be fixed. The lack of transparency and unwillingness to communicate what the issue is, how is being resolved, and what’s being done to ensure it won’t happen again in the future is unacceptable. People need to be fired, in my opinion.

as far as I can tell they refused to talk about what went wrong with the elk draw, and would not answer questions about what was being done to improve upon it. Now the sheep draw is a clusterF.
The solution is easy. Contract it to Kalkomy.
When I called in about my points that weren't showing up on the website they assured me that they would be checking against some excel spreadsheet (@wllm1313 intensifies) to verify my actual points level prior to the draw!?!? How does that make any sense and why couldn't you just update my actual points in the system prior to the draw?!


The portal isn't connected to anything, let alone the draw database.

AZ is a good dept and they have top notch people, excepting the IT guy that continues to tweak their system. They had a "workshop" about a month ago to discuss the It issues but my attempts to get minutes or a recording haven't gotten very far. I suspect it was an internal issue and not subject to public meeting req.
The portal isn't connected to anything, let alone the draw database.

AZ is a good dept and they have top notch people, excepting the IT guy that continues to tweak their system. They had a "workshop" about a month ago to discuss the It issues but my attempts to get minutes or a recording haven't gotten very far. I suspect it was an internal issue and not subject to public meeting req.
would it be possible for the average citizen to find out the name of this IT guy and who he reports to?

I’m surprised to hear that it’s a particular individual. I would have thought it to be more of a systematic problem. Systems are hard to change, especially inside bureacracies. Problem personnel should be trained, given more help , terminated etc.
"would it be possible for the average citizen to find out the name of this IT guy and who he reports to?"

not from me
He has a boss and the problems are not invisible as evidenced by the workshop.
My first year applying out of state and AZ has been the craziest for both draws. Did CCs already get hit for deer? Just curious if I’m out of the draw yet or if there’s still a chance.