Iraq Update - August 2017

Keep your head down, dude! I got blown up once in Baghdad and the second time in an ambush where I ended up getting shot too in Taji. Patrolling Route Irish was a damn circus!!
Good read. Thanks for the update. Stay safe. All here are very appreciative. Look forward to that next post
I haven't been there for 10 years... I did spend a lot of time there and 24 months consecutive once (Army Officer & unit commander), but I doesn't sound like its changed much except getting even worse. I remember writing these same types of updates when prompted. That part of the world is a lost cause in my book. It's noble that we have and will continue to defend human and religious rights, civility, and freedoms for those who are victim to being from the area. The poor citizens of the area have endured a lot at the hands of a dictator, terrorists, and constant war coupled with instability.

I wish you a safe travels and a smooth transition back to the world. I pray your men (maybe women too... weird to say... never was in a unit or place with women) will stay diligent and avoid complacency. Besides that a little luck can't hurt. I wish you the best. God Bless.
Thank you for showing us that have no idea what is happening what you have to go through on a daily basis. It really puts things into perspective. Thank you for all you have done. Stay safe and get home soon!
Thank you for your service!!! Saudi was close enough for me, 132 days of sand in my ass crack sucked. Keep your head down and make it home so you can enjoy some R&R hunting!!!!!
A great gratitude from our family to yours. Thank you. Stay strong and focused. Keep safe. Look forward to your next check in from the coffee shop in Kuwait.
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