Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

IPhone app from HuntingGPSMaps

Two things you will want to think about before using your phone for this....

1. Battery life - And with an iPhone you cannot just swap out the battery when the phone dies :)
2. Unless you can download the entire thing to the phone when you have no cell reception you have no info.

I believe I will stick with my Garmin :)
Two things you will want to think about before using your phone for this....

1. Battery life - And with an iPhone you cannot just swap out the battery when the phone dies :)

Which is why they need to develop this for Android because of the battery swap option. That said, turning off wifi/cellular saves oodles of battery life. Toss in a Goal Zero and you have a fully functioning GPS for $110-$130, instead of buying a Garmin and a chip.

2. Unless you can download the entire thing to the phone when you have no cell reception you have no info.

I believe I will stick with my Garmin :)

Most likely this is a downloaded function. That's how I use Backcountry Navigator Pro. I'm anxious for them to develop an android version, but for now I spent $15 for a GPS unit that has 85% of the functionality of a Garmin.
1. Battery life. We do have a field mode that you can turn on in the App to minimize the battery usage while out in the field. Of course the batteries on phones definitely do not last as long as a GPS. I will still be using my GPS but this is a neat tool for those people that don't have a GPS.

2. Maps can be cached for offline/out of service use. Limits are just your phones memory size. You can change out the tiles you cache for each trip depending on your location.

We are working on Droid apps. They are infinitely harder to program for and with all the different phone platforms it is a huge project.

We are working on Droid apps. They are infinitely harder to program for and with all the different phone platforms it is a huge project.


Just work on the Samsung Galaxy family first :)

ps, thanks for the Google Maps promotion that was in my inbox this morning, I just added Nevada and am covered in the West now!.
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