info about a potential world record mulie?


New member
Apr 2, 2002
I walked into ski's guns in Idaho Falls to trade a 270 yesterday and noticed an absolute monster mule deer on the wall.
there is a sign next to it that says ski's deer 2003
it was taken in Montana, it has 31 points on one side 32 on the other and has a 51" spread.
I asked Ski if it was a top 50 buck and he said it would be if he entered it in the record books, but that he wouldn't be able to sale replicas and that he would rather make money from it that pat himself on the back.
I asked him what it scored, 443
It would be a new world record:eek:

I was totally amazed by the size of this buck.
He said I could come and take pics but he doesn't want them on the internet?
He isn't the type that gives a hoot about records, and probably doesn't want all the b.s. that would come his way if he lists the deer.

He said that the paper in.... I think, Livingston ran an article about the deer, and that the local game warden checked the deer, He said the warden knew of the buck and wondered if somebody would eventually take him.

I have searched all over the net and can't find anything, does anybody know more about this Buck??

All I can say for sure is it is by far and away the biggest head I have ever seenhump.
443...I really doubt that.

I mean lets get real here, how many elk gross score 443?

I think ol Ski needs to lay off the 'ski...

Current WR NT mule deer is an amazing 355 and change.
I've heard on the net (over at MM I believe) that the deer is a fake. His reason alone, that he wants to sell replicas, are unfounded. There have been plenty of replicas made of deer that are in the book. By chance did the deer in question look like this?

Haha, sorry Oak. I got to hold one of these sets at a gun show one time, kind of interesting and kind of weird all at the same time. Manufacturing fake antlers just kind of seems odd to me, but it makes really big real ones all the more special.
thats why I love this place. thanks guys..
Now i'm off to go give ol ski a swift kick in the nadds

That old fugger punked me but good:eek:

That head in the store sure looks realistic.
thats why I love this place. thanks guys..
Now i'm off to go give ol ski a swift kick in the nadds

That old fugger punked me but good

I called BS Via PM yesterday when you yold me for a long time and finally said (WHATEVER!!!) I even brought up the Elk Example......... and All it takes is "ONE" Post from Oak and Buzz and THE TONE and he says "thanx".

WTF ?!?!?!
:D you never said chit, except that I should go take pics.........fugger:D

Hell, you was tellin me to go make offers for a replica, didn't you say to offer

but thanks anywayshump
you never said chit, except that I should go take pics.........fugger

Isn't there a way to go back and re-read a IM conversation ? I think I said Statements like "BS", 300" for an Elk is BIG so a Deer with 450" on Bone is Unreal. Then When you said you saw it and wouldn't let it go I said Take a Picture and Sent it...... Remember your quote ? "I'm gonig to tell him that the President of DHI is calling you a liar" .. remember ?!!?

And 10k for a Replica ? Come on, I could have bought Doyles replicas of the Buck Of justice for a Fraction of that.

But... you're welcome :D
There have been 1 confirmed deer killed that scores over 400. It was a buck killed in NM around the turn of the century. It is not entered in the books because some of the points were broken off and had to be glued back on. Its scores around 443.

All of you have seen this buck, it is the biggest non typical in the original magnificent seven picture created by Kings Outdoors World.

I find it funny how everyone talks about the 355 as the world record and theres a buck a whole 100 inches bigger out there....its crazy isn't it? A 100 inches is a lot of bone, about 10 moosie bucks added up together....

Yeah, I saw that Deer earlier this year in Arizona, but the score posted is greatly exagerated. That guy doesn't have nearly the width to score that high. Also, look at the mass, and the width of the nostrils. You can tell he is a young buck. I'd guess him at 158 3/8. Good deer if you were just meat hunting. Probably nice and tendor, but definately one I'd let walk.

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