NEW SITKA Ambient 75


If you have the internet, you're influenced. If you're on this site, you're influenced. How many of you wear Sitka, rock Leupold scopes, use MR backpacks, use Onx on your phone, use a Howa Rifle, wear Kenetreks ? I bet there's a fair number and I bet that Randy played a role in getting many of you to try one of these brands!
Damn you Randy!

I took the bait. Hell I was looking for a 308 even a few years ago...
In reality my Kenetrek pacboots are older than HT. My 700 is almost as old as BF. I took off a Leopold & switched to Zeiss.
I do hope Randy is to blame for some real quality and function of the newer hunting wear.

Never been more uncomfortable than wearing effing cotton hunting. Dragging a buck in wet Carharts is brutal. Maybe the cheap poly longjohns are worse.
If you have the internet, you're influenced. If you're on this site, you're influenced. How many of you wear Sitka, rock Leupold scopes, use MR backpacks, use Onx on your phone, use a Howa Rifle, wear Kenetreks ? I bet there's a fair number and I bet that Randy played a role in getting many of you to try one of these brands!
I started buying Kenetreks when Jim left Schnees to start his own boot company. Most all the hunting clothes I've bought were at a sheep show over the years. Couple pieces from sitka to stone Glacier. My 1 piece at a time hunting ensemble.🙂
Damn you Randy!

I took the bait. Hell I was looking for a 308 even a few years ago...
In reality my Kenetrek pacboots are older than HT. My 700 is almost as old as BF. I took off a Leopold & switched to Zeiss.
I do hope Randy is to blame for some real quality and function of the newer hunting wear.

Never been more uncomfortable than wearing effing cotton hunting. Dragging a buck in wet Carharts is brutal. Maybe the cheap poly longjohns are worse.
It's certainly not a bad thing to be influenced. The push to quality hunting clothing is wonderful. The biggest influence for what I typically buy is based on the best bang for my buck. I'm able to get deals on certain products, and if I deem them to be a high quality product, then I'll get it!

I got into first lite clothing a few years ago. I used to always wear jeans/carharts. Talk about a step up in comfort and quality!
I started buying Kenetreks when Jim left Schnees to start his own boot company. Most all the hunting clothes I've bought were at a sheep show over the years. Couple pieces from sitka to stone Glacier. My 1 piece at a time hunting ensemble.🙂
I would love to just drop a pile of $$ on a full set of clothing from Firstlite, but even with a discount, the stuff is expensive. I usually order a few things a year and am almost fully phased out of my old gear and into firstlite. Rain gear is next up on the list.

With the meateater crew acquiring firstlite, it's brought forth some great changes. I love that merino wool is a big part of their clothing because of all the advantages that go along with wool.

My kenetreks are in part because of Randy. If you have an influencer that you trust, there's no reason they would lie to you about a product. For instance, Randy isn't going to work with a boot company that makes crappy boots. His name is associated with them now. If he promoted crappy boots, people would question other brands he works with.

Once you're as big of a public figure as Randy or Steve Rinella is, you can basically pick who you want to work with. That gives reassurance that they're not working with crappy or unreliable products.
Randy knew about Pie Town before we met. I cannot in spirit take credit for his liking the pies.

I was an influencer ,when I was a Park Ranger. Talked a lot of folks out of a weekend in the Greybar.
I was influenced by the Bowmars to start hunting over bait, Muley Freak Eric taught me how to trespass to get the big muleys, Eric from Hushin showed me how awesome the rat-tail mullet is for hunting, and I now cry upon taking a game animal. Thanks BRO dudes for that one! I have definitely been influenced!
I was influenced by the Bowmars to start hunting over bait, Muley Freak Eric taught me how to trespass to get the big muleys, Eric from Hushin showed me how awesome the rat-tail mullet is for hunting, and I now cry upon taking a game animal. Thanks BRO dudes for that one! I have definitely been influenced!
I don't know any of these bro dudes or the
vortex meat stick guy if they were standing next to me. You guys sure have wonderful role models!😉
My first thought was defining what I'd call "influencers". Wensel's, Dwight Schuh, Chuck Adams (really didn't like that guy!), Jack O' Connor? I'd say they were all influencers, just a different platform and vastly different from what's considered an influencer today.

Then my childish humor took over and realized, Tiffany L and a few others may have influenced me to spend some alone time with my thoughts. But then again, so did the JC Penny catalog when I was 14. 😂
Forums definitely influenced me to be a gear whore. I geek out over minute details but rarely look into packs, clothes, glass, etc anymore since I know what i have works well for how i hunt. Still get sucked into the gun/ammo rabbit holes pretty hard.

I'd argue that actual social media influencers cause me to avoid companies more than support them though. Anything that Brian Call has pimped in the past 4 years or so I don't bother looking into. TS customs did 3 barrels for me but the muley freak affiliation was enough to make me look elsewhere. Between "the duke" and having muley freak erik run their social media, Kryptek is out. Hoyt was hard to stomach for a number of years due to their overwhelming instabro influence.
I got into first lite clothing a few years ago. I used to always wear jeans/carharts. Talk about a step up in comfort and quality!

I would love to just drop a pile of $$ on a full set of clothing from Firstlite, but even with a discount, the stuff is expensive. I usually order a few things a year and am almost fully phased out of my old gear and into firstlite. Rain gear is next up on the list.

With the meateater crew acquiring firstlite, it's brought forth some great changes. I love that merino wool is a big part of their clothing because of all the advantages that go along with wool.

First lite has some nice designed stuff but I've had poorer quality and durability with it than any other brand I've had. I had their original rain jacket (boundary stormtight) and that SOB leaked like a sieve almost immediately. Maybe they've improved since then but I'd never buy their rain gear again!
Damn you Dad!
I still wear your wool sweaters for mid layers.
Prior to my first Elk hunt at age 14 my dad took me to Country General and bought me insulated boots and black insulated onesie coveralls that only a coal miner would wear. It was so hot and all I could do was unzip the front. Most youth hunters I see today are decked out with the latest and greatest clothing and gear and it seems obvious that media hunting has influenced them and their dads. Makes me kinda jealous in a way.

My gear and clothing have definitely improved over the years from perusing hunting forums and probably from watching hunting shows as well. What hasn't changed is how much I hunt and how - which is as much as I can while trying to get as far away from other hunters as possible. Ironically the latter is becoming more difficult, probably due to influencers and hunting SM.
First lite has some nice designed stuff but I've had poorer quality and durability with it than any other brand I've had. I had their original rain jacket (boundary stormtight) and that SOB leaked like a sieve almost immediately. Maybe they've improved since then but I'd never buy their rain gear again!
I heard that from others. The Omen is supposed to be pretty great though. But it's expensive!
@Oak influenced me into a binosock. It was pretty cool at the time.

At least that is how I remember it from 16 years ago. 🤷‍♂️ 😁
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