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Inclement Weather Antelope?


New member
May 12, 2017
My buddy and I are headed out to Wyoming tomorrow for our first western hunt and can't wait! The forecast looks fairly windy/rainy for 2 of our 3 hunting days. Question for the veterans: do pronghorn change their behavior much in wind/rain? I'm guessing they are used to it and it won't affect them much, but curious if it changes your hunting tactics. Thanks in advance and good luck to all who will be out this weekend!
I didn't notice it effecting the antelope so much as hunter mobility on BLM roads. The antelope seem to move a little less in the rain but they were generally in the same places. I remember 2 years ago breaking camp after the first day antelope hunting because we were 6 miles of 4x4 blm roads off of county gravel and it was going to rain all night so we moved back closer to the roads. The year before it also rained an we ran into multiple guys blocking the trails because they either got stuck because of the rain or decided to just park their truck on the trail.
If it is raining or rained recently water holes will lose some of their magic.
I noticed they seemed to lay down more in the rain/snow. The rut is kicking right now so you should be good as far as movement. The roads turn to soup in the rain but I got through just fine. Most In 2 wheel drive. I stayed on the main roads though
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I'm actually glad to see the weather as it will keep some people off the BLM roads. I like to walk and there is nothing more annoying than someone driving up, hopping out of their vehicle and throwing lead off hand at 500 yards from the buck you're stalking.
I'm not all too experienced in antelope hunting but I notice with our hunt this year, like Crusoe mentioned, they are generally still in the same areas they were when the weather was nice. Hunter mobility becomes extremely limited in the muck out there. I just spent about the last 4-5 hours getting my truck cleaned off from our hunt. That stuff is slicker than snot when wet but sets up like concrete! Best thing to do is just keep hosing it down until it is re-saturated and then it will come off...maybe ;)
I would have to agree with most of what has already been posted. I have antelope literally in my back yard every day, so I spend a lot of time watching their behavior. They do tend to bed down more when it's raining or snowing. The only effect this really has on my tactics is that if it's overcast, I can't use the morning/evening sun to my advantage. They have excellent vision (about as good as a human looking through 10x binos), but they're practically blind looking into the sun, so you can really use that to your advantage when the sun is low. The cooler weather we're having this weekend will also help you get the meat cooled off quickly, which is absolutely critical with antelope. Good luck.
Do the roads turn to pure slime out there even with 2/10ths of rain ? Thats what they are calling for for my unit. I figured thatd soak up and be fine by the afternoon but maybe not .
I've been here a week and have had 2 days without rain. Forecast is rain thru the first of the week. They're easier to spot in the rain because it darkens the surrounding brush. The biggest problem is getting around. The only time I'm out of 4x is on blacktop. I haven't been on a side road yet, all county roads.
Any suggestions on how to dry out an antelope hide? I planned to have a processor freeze my head and cape but I'm concerned if I shoot one in the rain and it's soaking wet.
Any suggestions on how to dry out an antelope hide? I planned to have a processor freeze my head and cape but I'm concerned if I shoot one in the rain and it's soaking wet.

Is that going to be for a shoulder mount, or did you have some other plan for the hide? If it's cold and wet, it really shouldn't be an issue as long as you get it frozen fairly quickly. The hair side sheds water pretty well, so if you lay it out flesh side down over some sage brush or something, you should be ok. Also, even when it's "rainy" here, we usually have fairly long stretches during the day without rain, which would give you time to get everything dried out.
Shake it out like any other fur, snap it to get the water out. Antelope hairs are hollow so try to be careful with it when it gets frozen.

Look for leeward wind sides of ridges and hills. In extreme wind if I have to take a shot I try to get the animal positioned so that the bullet will "blow" forward not towards the guts.
Wind will help hide your movement during a stalk also.
Unfortunately wind is in the forecast for the next few days. Get out early in the morning and maybe very late, it may lay down somewhat late evening just before sunset. Sometimes it blows all through the night, sorry to say.

And yes even a little rain will affect the BLM and 2 track roads.
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