Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

If you were to rank states by ease of website to put in for hunts.

Nevada is the best and 2nd place isn’t even close. It has a interactive map where you literally click on your unit and it shows you what you applied for last year. KS is actually pretty good too, but i know it’s not a popular state to apply in. Colorado isn’t too bad except on leftover day its garbage. AZ is amazingly terrible. NM, UT and wy aren’t too bad, but aren’t too great either.
I guess I'm going to be in the minority here, I actually think Colorado's system works pretty well. I've only been hunting for about five years and didn't have anyone to walk me through how to apply the first time, so the first year there was some stumbling through and figuring it out. But since then it has been really smooth. I actually like Colorado's hunt code system too; after I apply I text my brothers the codes and they have all the information they need in one concise line. Rather than like with Wyoming trying to tell them Tag Type, Species, Unit, and Tag Type again.... My brother ended up with a Unit 15 antelope tag last year rather than a Unit 15 deer tag because of it, probably my bad on that one.

You have clearly never tried to get a tag on re-issue day. You’ll learn to hate Colorado's system once you do.
CO is one of the most confusing and complicated systems I’ve ever seen. Granted I’m from there and it seems pretty easy now that I got used to it. But back in the earlier days it was a pain in the back. The little spinning circle drives me nuts still and it never seems to go away.
If I had to rate the states I am familiar with in my applications, it would be this way, from best to worst.


MT definitely earns the cellar spot. Their system is hot garbage.....maybe thats their strategy.
Just did Colorado applications for me, my wife, and my brother. Just a poor set up. Not terribly confusing but slow, annoying and outdated; especially for a new system a couple years ago.
Wyoming, NM, and Utah are pretty user friendly. Colorado is the worst for a multitude of reasons. Most recent example from Colorado, last week purchased my small game and habitat stamp and it still wouldn’t let me apply for big game permits. Had to call in and order over the phone to resolve the issue. At least the lady at the call center was friendly. After reading these posts it is fairly clear the trend is Colorado is near, if not at the bottom.