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If you knew someone who has not paid Taxes

Tuff call

Ditto what WH much as I don't like taxes and the waste thereof, we still need to pay them...what goes around usually comes around and this person might get a knock on the door someday without you saying anything (and having to agonize over it) advise would be just wait awhile and see if this person gets more onto the booze...I like to get drunk as much as the next person but if I drank up the money I paid in taxes I would have been dead years ago...perhaps this person needs AA or something, then again your call and not an easy one to make, but if you must do something-do it at your convenience.
Washington Hunter said:
Might depend on how well you like this person and how well you know him/her.
ABsolutely wrong!!!!! How can you look the other way on somebody paying taxes and then bitch and moan about an illegal alien who pays taxes and social security without any chance of being able to collect the benefits.

Your selective adherence to the laws is telling.:mad:
Jose, the way I see it is that it is not my job to enforce the tax laws of this country. If I suspected somebody I know is not paying or is cheating on their income tax, I would think along the same lines as what enraeh stated above:

this person might get a knock on the door someday without you saying anything

To tell you the truth, I don't know many people, besides myself, who do not cheat in some way on their income tax. I kind of feel sometimes as if I'm doing something wrong by not cheating, because all I hear people talking about is how to cheat the system and pay less than is required by law.
babe you know who I am talking about!!! I don't like him because he has the most piss poor work ethics I have ever seen. The way I see it he is rippen off thr IRS & his employer!

PS the Rumor is he has not paid in over 10 years, and took advantage of his employer by going to help when Hurricane Katrina hit. The reason I say he is Taking Advantage is because the guy usually misses work 1-2 days a week because he is to HUNG OVER (says he has a headache :( ). He made like 10 Grand with over time and being gone helping people, when he should not have even had the opportunity to go. He can't even go to work on a daily basis.

Hubby and I Do not cut corners in ANY WAY when it comes to our taxes, so I can preach!!!
Washington Hunter said:
Jose, the way I see it is that it is not my job to enforce the tax laws of this country. If I suspected somebody I know is not paying or is cheating on their income tax, I would think along the same lines as what enraeh stated above:

To tell you the truth, I don't know many people, besides myself, who do not cheat in some way on their income tax. I kind of feel sometimes as if I'm doing something wrong by not cheating, because all I hear people talking about is how to cheat the system and pay less than is required by law.

How do you pick which laws you obey and which ones you flaunt???? The fact you are riled up against illegal immigrants and allow whites to not pay taxes smacks of racism. If you are going to cast stones, you gotta be without sin.
JoseCuervo said:
ABsolutely wrong!!!!! How can you look the other way on somebody paying taxes and then bitch and moan about an illegal alien who pays taxes and social security without any chance of being able to collect the benefits.
The operative word there is illegal...there must be some price to pay for the opportunity to send money back to Mexico and to clog up the schools and close our emergency rooms...the disadvantages to our economy far outweigh whatever benefits may lie in fast car washes and perfect lawns. How do the illegals pick which laws to flaunt? Only the American taxpayer's laws?
I think it's the Employer that should make the Decision if he's getting screwed. Some people at my old work thought this one guy was a Slacker becasue He'd fire up a game of Cards on his Puter in the middle of the day. Boss didn't care because the same worker traveled alot .

I wouldn't tell if I Suspected someone cheating on their tax's. I'm not one to turn someone in Unless I LNOW for a FACT they are doing something illegal, then... only if I don't like them :D
JoseCuervo said:
How do you pick which laws you obey and which ones you flaunt???? The fact you are riled up against illegal immigrants and allow whites to not pay taxes smacks of racism. If you are going to cast stones, you gotta be without sin.

Tell me, which laws do I flaunt? :confused: Answer: there are none.

Like I said, it is not my job to enforce the tax laws. If somebody is not paying their income tax, is up to the IRS to catch them. They have computers, they have employees, if somebody does not pay income tax they should know it. It just isn't my job to go around turning in anybody who I feel cheats on their taxes. Tell me this...if you suspect the guy you hired to mow your grass is in the country illegally, would you call INS?
are we talking not reporting income?
or the guy hasnt filed taxes?
there is a big difference in not paying taxes and not filing. normally, some of your slacker drunks dont bother to file.

and no, i wouldnt report him for would have to be a real smuck to do something like that....most likely you would be looking for a reason to cause him grief......and if thats all you could come up with, you aint much.....if you dont like the guy, kick his teeth down his throat and buy him a beer.....everybody's happy!
Washington Hunter said:
. If somebody is not paying their income tax, is up to the IRS to catch them. .............. It just isn't my job to go around turning in anybody who I feel cheats on their taxes.

How do you decided which type of lawbreakers you will turn in/report to the authorities? Al Capone was busted for taxes. If you knew somebody was dealing drugs next door, would you think it wasn't your job to turn them in? What if they were Mexican and dealing drugs next door, would you turn them in?
How in the heck does someone skate under the radar for 10 years without paying / filing taxes? I know lots of people cheat by doing cash jobs on the side, but how does an adult go that long without filing?
My guess is, you won't need to report the bum, as it will catch up with him anyhow. However ... if he's a d!ckweed, mooching off the system and the rest of us taxpayers, I'd give you an attaboy for ratting him out.

Heck, I had to file for my elderly mom, and her only income is social security. Still had to file.
Steiny said:
How in the heck does someone skate under the radar for 10 years without paying / filing taxes? I know lots of people cheat by doing cash jobs on the side, but how does an adult go that long without filing

That's a very good question, and IMO I don't think it's possible, although I've heard rumors of it happening. If it's true that a guy can really go 10 years or more without so much as filing a tax return, well...the IRS has a problem. However I am sure that in a case like this the person will eventually get caught, and the longer it takes the more he/she is going to owe, with interest and penalites added in.
Washington Hunter said:
That's a very good question, and IMO I don't think it's possible, although I've heard rumors of it happening. If it's true that a guy can really go 10 years or more without so much as filing a tax return, well...the IRS has a problem. However I am sure that in a case like this the person will eventually get caught, and the longer it takes the more he/she is going to owe, with interest and penalites added in.

How long would you allow a drug dealer to seel drugs next door? KNowing that "eventually" will get caught. Are you that jaded that you allow lawbreaking to take place and just turn a blind eye?

And in fact, if you and the Mrs. are so self-righteous and above reproach, why not take advantage of the opportunity to make some extra cash?
Anyone who provides information that leads to the detection and punishment of any violation of the tax laws may be eligible for a reward (except for federal workers who get the information in pursuit of their duties).

How to claim a reward:
IRS Publication 733 details the regulations for claiming a reward. You must complete IRS Form 211.

Your information can be delivered personally to any IRS office, or you can write to:

Head of the Criminal Investigation Division
Internal Revenue Service
Washington, DC 20224

If a recovery is made as a direct result of information you provided, you may qualify for a reward of 15% of the amount recovered including taxes, fines and penalties, but not interest -- with a maximum payment of $2 million.

If your information was valuable, although not specific, in determining liability, you may be rewarded with as much as 10% of the amount recovered, again with a $2 million cap.

If your information was the originating cause of the investigation, but had no direct relationship to the determination of tax liability, the reward is 1% of the amount recovered, again with that $2 million limit.
JoseCuervo said:
......The fact you are riled up against illegal immigrants and allow whites to not pay taxes smacks of racism.

I think I must have missed where it was stated that the tax law breaker was white?:confused:

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