Idaho REVERSES draw results

This is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. I feel very bad for those that drew and then were told just kidding. Please contact IDFG and let them know how you feel about it. I know I will be.
Not me but I can’t imagine the disappointment of receiving an email like this. It’s ridiculous.
Issue more resident tags to make it 10%(under issue in future years) assuming they only went over by 1nr person in effected apps. After a conversation G&f about a tag next year or something simular, might be time to speak to a lawyer. This is big money and opportunity! Governor tag!
That really sucks. I know it won’t make you feel any better but this happened in South Dakota awhile ago too. Just letting you know others have shared that misery.

Just heard about this. I’d imagine this will end with these guys getting sheep tags, but maybe next season. Huntin fool has a client that drew, has a receipt for the tag and has paid an outfitter.
Just heard about this. I’d imagine this will end with these guys getting sheep tags, but maybe next season. Huntin fool has a client that drew, has a receipt for the tag and has paid an outfitter.
I hope you’re right. Only way to make it right is to give them tags next season
Happened in WY a handful of years ago too, except with elk. G&F apologized, basically said tough luck, and did not issue the extra tags.

“You owe me the tag next year”

No, no they don’t. It’s a draw and you were not drawn correctly for the tag, period.
Talk about not being able to put yourself in someone else’s shoes. A sheep tag is something most hunters dream of and to tell someone they drew one have them make plans and then send them an email a week later saying we f’ed up deal with it... not cool at all.