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Idaho points system.

Make sure to send your input to the IDFG commission as well. We want to make sure the legislature doesn't try and force the IDFG to side with them. If enough sportsmen wanted a bonus point system now it could be done by going to the commission, we don't need the legislature forcing it on us.

Contact info here:

One of the things we have going for us is the commission has unanimously rejected a points system multiple times in recent history, and has notified the legislature that it still opposes a point system. But you're right, they still need to know we oppose the idea.
I don't know how many of you Boise guys live in district 19, but for those that do you should be proud of your representative on the committee considering H0145. So far he's the only member on the committee that has acknowledged me.

The following is his reply to my letter:

"Thank you very much for expressing your concern regarding HB145, which would make it mandatory for the Idaho Fish & Game Commission to develop and implement a “bonus points” or “preference” system for controlled hunts. As you probably know, the Fish & Game Commission was given the authority in 2010 to implement such as system. After careful study and consideration they have chosen not to do so.

Any policy that grants a preference or advantage to some participants, by its very nature, puts others at a disadvantage. New hunters, especially young hunters, will most likely be all but excluded from controlled hunts under a preference system. Additionally, the system will cost more to administer and will raise the cost to everyone. I have been contacted by Idaho Sportsman’s groups who have urged me to oppose a preference system because they are concerned that it will lead to a “pay-to-play” system and put even greater pressure on game herds. I support the conclusion of the Commission, as the experts in this area of policy, that a preference system is not good for hunting in Idaho.

Thank you again for expressing your concerns to me. Your input helps me build a stronger case for issues that actually improve the lives of Idahoans."

Best regards,

Representative Mat Erpelding

District 19, Seat A
I love hunting Idaho and really, really hope this doesn't go through. IMO their drawing system is as fair as fair gets.

That said, I've heard rumors they are considering multi-year hunting licenses. Anyone care to share the prices they are considering for such? From here on out I will be putting in for LE/OIL tags and am curious if this would save me a buck or two.
From my understanding the multi year license won't save you much money, maybe just some of the handling fees if purchased online or the vendor fee (which is like $.75) if purchased at a store. The details of the multi year are also still being worked out as to whether it will just be one license that covers the three years and is the current license paper going to hold up that long or if it means you'll be getting a new one each year for the period it was purchased for. I do think it is going to make it through the legislature.
Dang. With the popularity of Costco in Idaho, I was hoping I'd save a few bucks buying in 'bulk'. One gripe I do have with ID is the price of the convenience fee for online purchases. IIRC the last time I bought an elk tag online the fee was over $50!
Dang. With the popularity of Costco in Idaho, I was hoping I'd save a few bucks buying in 'bulk'. One gripe I do have with ID is the price of the convenience fee for online purchases. IIRC the last time I bought an elk tag online the fee was over $50!
They charge or should I say pass on a fee for using credit and debit cards when you buy in person also.
Its like buying a used car site unseen except when you drive to Idaho to pick it up you already paid all the extra fees and somebody hid it out in the hills.
Sorta. My problem is that I never find it. Everyone I'm with finds their's though, so I do get the fun of cutting them up and carrying them. ;)
IMO just as retarded as doing it for big game. Heck, just go after Labor Day and I'm pretty sure you can get a permit without a draw for the MF Salmon. It is a stunning river to float.
Email I just got from a representative on the committee:

"Thank you for contacting me regarding the point system for controlled hunts.

Several hunters have contacted me opposing this bill, H 145. It is being held in the desk of the Chairman of the Resources and Conservation Committee and so will not get a hearing. It is dead and not an issue this year."

So, it looks like we won this one boys. :D
Email I just got from a representative on the committee:

"Thank you for contacting me regarding the point system for controlled hunts.

Several hunters have contacted me opposing this bill, H 145. It is being held in the desk of the Chairman of the Resources and Conservation Committee and so will not get a hearing. It is dead and not an issue this year."

So, it looks like we won this one boys. :D
I like how he put "this year" in there...
That was my first thought as well. I think after reading about all the crapola happening in Montana and Colorado maybe I'm getting a little paranoid.
Hopefully there won't be a point system for many years, if ever. I've only put in for 1 controlled tag but I like having just as good a chance as the next guy. Someday I may just have time to try again and wouldn't want to go through all the crap that other states have. The OTC tag system is great for non-res hunters. I got my first bear in Idaho, and had 2 unsuccessful elk hunts SO FAR! Looks like it will keep getting tougher with the wolf situation and we don't need points to make it worse.