Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Idaho Griz

Cool video.
I'm more afraid of choking to death on the elk steaks I over cooked tonight than I am of being eaten by a bear this year.
Proceeding with caution!
According to this video, the elk call attracted a huge grizzly that came to within 16 yards of their location. At about the :40 second mark, the hunters realize the grizzly is about to get too close for comfort, so they begin making noises to make their presence known. Fortunately for them, the bear decided to head the opposite direction.

Very cool but 16 yards?
Maybe I am more intimidated by grizzly's than I should be but to me it is pretty damn foolish to call at one again with an elk call after you run it off. I've never hunted around them and never seen one so I may be way off base.
According to this video, the elk call attracted a huge grizzly that came to within 16 yards of their location. At about the :40 second mark, the hunters realize the grizzly is about to get too close for comfort, so they begin making noises to make their presence known. Fortunately for them, the bear decided to head the opposite direction.

Very cool but 16 yards?

And yet they continued to cow call a couple more times?
Maybe I am more intimidated by grizzly's than I should be but to me it is pretty damn foolish to call at one again with an elk call after you run it off. I've never hunted around them and never seen one so I may be way off base.
NEVER TEASE A WEASEL! He was a young bear, but he came looking for meat, I don't think I would have blown that cow call one more time until I got in the next drainage! I'm not sure everyone realizes how much bears predate on elk and deer.
That's a pretty cool video and neat to get to be able to see one of these beautiful animals out in the wild. I sure hope we are allowed to hunt them soon, which is way past due by the way.

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