Caribou Gear

Idaho auction tag proposal-Comments Open


Active member
Feb 23, 2015
S. Idaho
Idaho Fish and Game commissioners are considering offering five additional tags for auction including one each for elk, mule deer, mountain goat, pronghorn and moose and will decide on it during the commission’s next teleconference on Thursday, Feb. 4. The proposal is there for all to read. I wonder what "non-profits" they would partner with to auction tags....

The deadline for comments is TODAY at 5 p.m.

They need to hear from us on this issue today:
I sent in my comments. I like that IFG gets to keep 95% of the proceeds (and then up to 30% of that number goes towards access) when IIRC most states only get to keep 90%. It's certainly a fine line to walk though; I don't like the idea that more money get's you better access to our herds, but on the other hand that's a lot of money for conservation for just one tag for each of our big game species.
I am okay for 2 permits for each species to be set aside. 1 goes to auction with Richie Rich getting his shortcut to front of the "luck" line and 1 goes to raffle where are limited to one entry per person which allows Joe Six-Pack to have just as good a chance as Richie to get that raffle tag.

Allow 5% to the group holding the auction or raffle. Covers credit card fees. Tags draw people into auctions so the group holding the auction benefits by increased attendance. No need to give up a chunk of the proceeds to some group as the morons in UT do. Of course, UT is all about setting up a slush fund to do F&G's dirty deeds where the law prevents the state directly doing those actions. The attrition on those funds on the way to helping wildlife is ridiculous. Pennies make it to the ground.
I'd hope that some sort of rotation would be established allowing other conservation groups not directly associated with specific big game species to participate by having a tag available at a fundraiser. It would certainly enhance attendance.
Presently there are 3 deer, 3 elk, 3 antelope, 1 moose, 1 goat, and 1 sheep tag

Those are the super tags I think you are referencing (although those numbers are not correct) which are a raffle system essentially, although some people are buying so many tickets to almost make it a sure thing they will draw. These would simply be a straight up auction of which there is presently just one sheep tag. Its not something I'm in favor of and really don't think they would generate a ton of money, just looking at the sale price of the ID auction sheep tag this year vs. other states should give some idea of what the market would be.
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These would simply be a straight up auction of which there is presently just one sheep tag.

Correct. The proposal is to "activate" an antelope, deer, elk, moose, and goat tags from the allotted legal pool currently not being sold. Non residents (who don't have $100k to spend on a tag) should be against the proposal because the tags will be pulled from the non resident tag pool.

I'm not sure how valuable the antelope deer and elk tags will be because with few exceptions you can hunt those in any unit with OTC tags anyway.
Those are the super tags I think you are referencing (although those numbers are not correct) which are a raffle system essentially, although some people are buying so many tickets to almost make it a sure thing they will draw. These would simply be a straight up auction of which there is presently just one sheep tag. Its not something I'm in favor of and really don't think they would generate a ton of money, just looking at the sale price of the ID auction sheep tag this year vs. other states should give some idea of what the market would be.

Currently, there is one bighorn auction tag and one bighorn raffle tag. The financial report that accompanied the original bill said the 12 tags would generate $200k in additional revenue. This assumes the additional bighorn tag (#3 if you're paying attention) would generate $100k.

With an annual budget of approximately $100MM, $200k is a rounding error.
Maybe someone else can chime in. I am having a hard time understanding why if additional funds are needed in certain areas, why can't residents support a tag fee increase to generate those funds? The tag fee increase would likely be so small across the board (to offset the money that would likely be made in auction tags). A couple bucks per tag maybe?? Perhaps even adding those additional tags to the Supertag draw would create those funds??

I dislike the idea of having any tag being completely out of reach ($$) to the majority of us.
Maybe someone else can chime in. I am having a hard time understanding why if additional funds are needed in certain areas, why can't residents support a tag fee increase to generate those funds? The tag fee increase would likely be so small across the board (to offset the money that would likely be made in auction tags). A couple bucks per tag maybe?? Perhaps even adding those additional tags to the Supertag draw would create those funds??

I dislike the idea of having any tag being completely out of reach ($$) to the majority of us.

I agree; however, Idaho's legislature is against a fee increase for residents.
Maybe someone else can chime in. I am having a hard time understanding why if additional funds are needed in certain areas, why can't residents support a tag fee increase to generate those funds?

Tried it last year, the legislature said no.
I think auction tags are an ok idea, especially given the recent theme of the proposals to increase revenue. The auction tags bring in a decent amount of money with very little effect on almost all hunters. On the other hand, they suggest selling private land tags and point/bonus systems that screw almost everyone.
Its not that the legislature exactly said no, they just said they were going to add their own special touches to a fee increase which was a point system and more auction tags because that's what the small minority that has their ear wants.
Those tags will be on top of the "raffle" in place already consisting of 10 Elk, 10 Deer, 10 Pronghorn and 2 Moose. If you are a lucky Idahoan or non resident to pull one of the premium tags in the draw all the "Super hunt" winners and now auction winners will be there with you. Most of the super hunt people already follow each other from hunt to hunt as the two or three units open up.

Average hunters would have had a chance at an extra 54 moose tag in the draw if F&G thought for a second both super hunt tag holders wouldn't show up which they did and rightly so.

Once these auction tags start, look out because there will be more and more opportunity taken away from average people in the draw as they keep adding tags.
Once these auction tags start, look out because there will be more and more opportunity taken away from average people in the draw as they keep adding tags.

I'm not sure about that. I don't think this is an open invitation - the f&g still has to answer to the public, at least partially. That's why I think the auction is a good concession. Decent return with minimal relative impact to "average people."
As long as someone doesn't apply to hunt south of 84 it may not affect them. Well except unit 45 deer and maybe a few others...

If they start auctioning tags who here thinks there will be more tags or less tags auctioned in 10, 20 years?

I'm all for a fee increase to keep additional auctions and points out of Idaho.
Those are the super tags I think you are referencing (although those numbers are not correct) which are a raffle system essentially, although some people are buying so many tickets to almost make it a sure thing they will draw. These would simply be a straight up auction of which there is presently just one sheep tag. Its not something I'm in favor of and really don't think they would generate a ton of money, just looking at the sale price of the ID auction sheep tag this year vs. other states should give some idea of what the market would be.

No, those are the max total of tags under the Governors program that can be given out in a particular year. The comments section is to agree or disagree with their recommendation to offer 1 of each of those up for auction, except for sheep.
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