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ID general archery deer


Active member
Jul 31, 2012
Great Falls, MT
As a new archery hunter, I am trying out deer hunting with my bow this fall. I am hoping for any info regarding what units to hunt with a general buck tag? I am not looking to stick a trophy deer this year, just wanting to get into some action and get my feet wet in spot and stalk hunting. thanks for the replies in advance!
Shhhh.. Trying not to stir up the huntalk democrats that like the handouts
Sure sounds like he plans to be. deerslayer i'm no help to you on this one but good luck ! One word of warning, the first time you are successful with that bow will ruin you.
Ok, so you just drew the non-resident tag your buddies sister’s ex-boyfriend recommended when the reality hits you…You have no idea where to start to learn the unit. In a panic, you register on twenty internet forums that have “hunt” in their name, and post the same question on each of them:
“Me and a buddy are going to hunt unit xy in Idaho for mule deer. This is my first time hunting in Idaho and I’d really appreciate any help you could give me.”

And the response is the same across all the forums….NO response.

Well before you drop kick your laptop, think about how you approached the situation. You came into a community of folks, and without any greeting at all asked for their spots they have spent years scouting and refining their tactics in. Would you do this face to face? No.

Here are some ways to get the most out of an internet forum:

1. Introduce yourself. Most forums have a place that new members can introduce themselves and tell a little about their style of hunting and where they are from. Many times you will discover other hunters that live or have family nearby.
2. Use the search function. Forums are made to be a discussion and the search function helps you weed through the variety of topics by focusing on keywords. For example searching on “unit xy Idaho” will bring up past topics on that unit you are interested in.
3. Contribute! Not money, but knowledge. If someone is asking in a topic about some boots or a pack you have experience with, pass on your experience. You don’t have to be a cheerleader and do an ad pitch for it, but a sincere mention about how you think certain aspects could be improved, or a new way to use a product are always appreciated. Congratulate successful hunters that post photos. Believe it or not, folks want to get to know more about the person behind the avatar and internet handle. The more outgoing and sincere you are online, the more other posters will appreciate you. Your personality may come through differently in writing than if you are with your buddies, so lay off the sarcasm until you know other readers will “get it”.
4. Pay attention to the Sections in forums. With the wide variety of topics discussed in a hunting forum, chances are they are categorized. If your question is state specific, try a state section; if it is species specific post it in the deer, or elk section for example.
5. Lay off the Caps Lock. THIS IS YELLING ON THE INTERNET.
6. After you have a few posts and start recognizing other people on the forums, you can share your plans for the upcoming season. After getting acquainted with the other forum members and developing relationships, you will be amazed at how helpful some people can be. Chances are you will have already developed some information about your hunt destination just through using the search functions and ongoing topics.

With these hints, I hope you will be able to use internet forums to your benefit and become a valuable part of the community. Over the years, I’ve hunted, fished, shot archery tournaments and roomed with fellow forum members that became lifelong friends, all because we shared the same interests on an internet forum.
thanks guys, yes I am new to the forum and so I expect some hazing... and can take it. I am definitely not looking for handouts and specific locations of where other members hunt. Just hoping to hear from people with more hunting experience than my three years of rifle hunting. I am an Idaho native and hunt certain areas, but am trying to break out of the norm and broaden my horizons. I am not joining twenty different forums to get as much action as I can, just joined this one, as I only do public land hunting and thought this would be a good forum to join. As a new archery hunter i was only looking for advice on ways to be successful and get the most out of my hunting experience this fall.

Most guys here will help you regardless of being new but we have the assholes like Rocky and Cushman who aren't willing to offer any of their "treasured research and expertise".

You're best bet is to find a location that is convenient for you as well as has decent numbers of game. Your general tag is good in any general zone or season so you have options. Google stuff and check websites for articles or REAL research on herd numbers and sucess rates. From there use google earth to familiraize yourself with the area. Once you know as much as you possibily can from the internet, call local wardens or biologists or get up on a forum and ask for specific help, "hey anyone know about zone #, or does anyone know about this national forrest). Dont let these assholes deter you into thinking you have to be an expert to partake in the conversation, eventually someone along the line will be willing to offer you advice.
I see both sides to the argument, but why not just ignore the question? As he hasn't given any specific information on anything, except I am new to archery hunting where can I get into some deer? I realize there are getting to be a crazy amount of these same posts daily, but it will just get worse with the popularity of OYOA. Maybe Fin needs to put a filter on new accounts that they can't start a new thread until X amount of posts, but that will probably just lead to people posting erratically to get that access. But....at least it won't be their first post. I dunno..

The guy either is not willing to do any leg work on his own or not using common sense. He has asked no specific question, ID is a big state and there is general OTC archery hunting in a lot of units. Why not look at the regs on the unit(s) you are familiar with and see what seasons are available? Utilize all the info that is at your finger tips on the internet (state regs, google earth, topo maps, etc), drive to a unit you may like to hunt and do a little scouting. Then come back and ask a question like.."I am just getting into archery hunting, have done some scouting in XYZ and normally I see X amount of deer during the rifle season, but not seeing much. Are they up higher this time a year? Down on private? tons of winter kill?.... etc"

My best advice is get out there, to me that is one of the best parts of hunting new areas. Seeing new scenery, figuring out where the animals are and the places they like to go and hang out. Granted you first year may not be the success you imagined, but you will be better armed when hunting there next time. If you love to hunt and the outdoors, burning some fuel and time to figure an area out shouldn't be of concern.
And now buckeye is the allmighty keeper of the forum and protector of newbs just here looking for a handout....

Since he's such a badass on the boards, I figured he'd like his mighty PM made public too, for all the news to have somone to look up to...

Don't bother me in PM ever again, buckeye...if you wanna be a badass, then do it publically...

"as long as you continue to put off new guys and make a joke out of it as if youre the guard of hunttalk, ill call you an asshole to let the guys know that not everyone is like you. This isnt YOUR little forum, its okay if new guys come in and have questions. If youre gonna be a dick publicly nonetheless then ill return the favor publicy."
Never said i was the almighty keeper. Just stated, as i have previously but reading comprehension apparently isnt your strong hold, that as a new guy I see how many guys on here like to chase off new guys after their first post. God forbid they do not follow this unwritten protocol of introducing themself so you can decide whether or they are worthy of your holy advice. Many guys do want help for various reasons, if they appear lazy then dont help them but many guys genuinely do not know where to start and just need a point in the right direction.

Let me draw this in the sand for you:

If you go to Home Depot and walk in the door and ask how to build a deck, they arent going to ask if youre a contractor or that you give em your life story to determine if they should be helped but they WILL show you where the lumber is, where the screws can be found and of course the concrete. This might be a silly example but one thats spot on at the core.

If you want to deter people from asking questions if they dont have the "credentials" thats fine but in the meantime ill show em to screws, lumber and concrete...
But in the meantime thanks for making this public so youre little "friends" (who youve probably never met in person) can come to battle against me :) Gonna take alot more than that though, I make the big bucks walking all over guys like you in court everyday ;)
Wow, y'all are sensitive! I am in know need of "protection" on the forums, and after reading more comments I apparently needed to specify more info about my plans this fall. I have been planning on bowhunting in Unit 36A and Unit 35. My plan is to go out scout all month long on my days off. I have hunted elk in 36A before, seeing lots of deer in november, and am somewhat familiar with the area so I will be mostly locating where the deer are at and their feeding and bedding patterns. I am also using the hunt planner feature that is on ID F&G's website so i can locate my boundary lines and know where roads lead me to. If anyone has had success in these units let me know please? This year my goal is get within shooting range of some deer, not necessarily even sticking one with an arrow. thanks to those that have put out useful info on the topic!
But in the meantime thanks for making this public so youre little "friends" (who youve probably never met in person) can come to battle against me :) Gonna take alot more than that though, I make the big bucks walking all over guys like you in court everyday ;)

You uh bad bad man :W:
Sounds like amidst the hijack garbage you've got yourself a plan. Run with it.
Buckeye, all you've done since you've been on the forum is give me shit. You haven't offered any real avice or help to anyone seeking it. So, I'd appreciate it if you'd stop humping my leg and go on with your life before people on here start to think you have some sort of gay crush on me. And for god's sake, don't offer to whip out your mighty internet dick to see who's is bigger. You have no use or value on this site, other than being a protector and wanna be spoon feeder of newbs. You wanna name call and look like a tough guy because of your supposed 'court' prowess, that's fine with me. I'll continue to do as I see fit, because that's what I do, and have been here a hell of a long time. You go ahead and coddle the ones that just come on here for honey holes and places to start a hunt, and never post again after they get their information. I've seen it for years, and it gets old after a while. So, go ahead and work for home depot if you think that's what you need to do.

I'll enjoy hunting with my "friends" that I've met on here in Wyoming and Colorado this year. Don't worry about the hunt talkers I've offerd advice to in private. Don't worry about the hunt talker that I gave grid coordinates to where I hunt elk to give him a place to hunt during his muzzleloader hunt this year. Don't worry about hunt talkers I've offered my own personal gear to to help them in their hunts. Don't worry about those I've answered questions about for antelope and elk hunting spots in private. Just because I don't come on here with a big S on my chest and run out to help every stranger who seeks a handout, doesn't mean I'm not helping people.

So, kindly enjoy the rest of the forum...there's plenty here to do and see. You're on the same level as Jose to me anymore. Keep your tough guy antics in your courtroom and get off my leg.
This year my goal is get within shooting range of some deer, not necessarily even sticking one with an arrow.

Number 1 key to bowhunting - Being downwind! I don't care what scent making device you are using, if your not downwind, you are doomed. Eventually you will sweat from stalking or the sun.

Number 2 key to bowhunting - Patience! This took me a long, long time to figure out. It is hard to be slow and patient when you're adrenaline is pushing you 90 miles an hour.

After those, everything else will fall into place.
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