I wonder what could be next....


New member
Feb 16, 2004
Boise, Idaho
Muslim clerics and Islamic scholars disagree about whether Islam’s sacred writings sanction beheading. According to some, there are approving references to the punishment in the Quran and evidence that the Prophet Mohammed himself beheaded hundreds of people. They point to Quranic passages such as Book 47, verse 4, which says, “Therefore, when ye meet the Unbelievers (in battle) strike off their heads,” and Book 8, verse 12, which reads “I will instill terror into the hearts of the unbelievers: smite ye above their necks....”

I saw the beheadings of late and was sickened to the point of vomiting, praying outloud for the family's of the victims and wondering is this what my children have to look forward too; A world of muslim extremist and Terrorist acts continueing to haunt our country and other country's for that matter?! I would do anything to see these Cowards whom done these in-human acts made to suffer unimaginable acts I have never considered wishing on anyone. Sorry but to bothered will continue later! :mad:
Yeah that video really sticks with ya.
Ive seen beheadings before in vids on different sites and they dont bother me but this one really bothered me. Maybe cause they used a fugging pocket knife , all the others I have seen people used a big sword and one swoop done.

this video showed just how wacko these nut jobs are .

Haven't seen the Video, as they tend to not have that stuff on AFN, of it they do it is on a news show I haven't watched. And as of yet haven't worked up the desire to watch it on the net, which I'm sure I could if I looked. That Said...

Everytime I hear quotes from clercics and Imans about the Koran condoning these acts I think of a sign I saw heading out of Kuwait City on the highway north to the Iraqi border which said...
Discover Islam, THE fastest growing religion in the world
Makes me wonder what the world is gonna be like in 20 years if that sign is true....
In my mind any religion which condones the murdering of disbelievers is not a religion it is a cult! I dont consider myself a religious man but I do believe in a higher power and being, as well as an "Eye for an Eye" so with that said piss on these Terrorist and what they stand for and here's an idea you Islamic extremist/Cowards/pussy's, Give your heart to allah cause your ass belongs to the U.S. Armed Forces!
I hope the same cowardly acts you've done to these international hostages is returned 10 fold!
I stole this quote from someone, I don't remeber if it was here or another site, but thought it fit here.

"I suspect the best we can do is respond to their atrocities until they realize the price of such actions is quick death. If we run out of muslims before that happens so be it."
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