I tried to help a kid get his first buck, poor kid . . .


Well-known member
Jan 25, 2007
Anyone ever had something like this happen?

One of the kids in my Boy Scout troop has been after his first buck. He's 13, was unsuccessful last year, and had been unsuccessful this year after a half a dozen attempts at road hunting with his dad. I know the dad real well and thought I'd do everyone a favor by helping him shoot something.

So I called in a favor at a pretty good ranch up the road and they were real cool with me helping this kid on their property. There are usually elk running around too and cows were fair game for father or son. Took them up in the morning and we saw a real nice whitey, probably 140ish, but it just didn't stay still long enough for a shot. Ran back into town for church and came back in the afternoon to get serious as yesterday was the last day of the season (that's why I pulled some strings for the kid)

We jumped out of the truck and the kid got organized, dad grabbed his rifle too in case we saw a cow during our push. He asked me as we got out of the car "what do I do if I see a good buck?" I said "if you shoot a buck, our hunt is over and your boy can't get one." So we started off and saw a little 4 point, kid got excited, but I told him we could do much better if he wanted too, he said ok. I took the kid and dad walked 50 yards to our left through the trees. Sure enough, a perfect shot presented itself on the big buck from the morning at 80 yards. He stood broadside for 10 seconds, but kid couldn't get comfortable enough and couldn't get the deer in the scope. I thought no worries, we'll get another shot at him, but kid was a bit down on himself.

We got to the truck to wait for dad and BOOM, not 50 yards from us dad let one fly. I knew it was a buck he shot cause instantly heard the buck bawling. Then dad hit him again. We climbed over to him and I was expecting there to be some monster on the ground for dad to have taken kid's opportunity at a buck. NOPE, he shot a piss ant 4 point that won't go 110". Needless to say I was pissed. Kid asked me "can I still shoot one"? And although I probably could have stretched my neck out to get permission, I was so ticked that I didn't want to. I felt bad for the kid but I wanted dad to feel repercussion for being a jackass. Dad knew that only 1 buck could be killed.

Am I mean for not pushing the relationship I have with the owners to get a second buck?

I tried to salvage the hunt by looking for a cow in the evening for the kid but none were around. On the drive home dad asked kid "what are you going to tell people about our buck" kid replied "that my dad shot my buck". I said, "and don't you ever let him forget it either."
That's a real bummer. I wouldn't have let the dad carry a gun, if the real reason everyone was out there was for the kid to get a deer. Am I understanding correctly that the dad didn't even have a deer tag? ("my dad shot my buck")
I wouldn't have pushed the relationship with the land owner. In me experience doing exactly what they ask of you gets you more chances to go back. That sucks that Dad did that, obviously the hunt must not have been about the kid to Dad, which is sad to me. What was great about hunting with my Dad growing up was that my animals hitting the dirt was more fun to him than his own. He wanted to see me happy that I had killed something and it got me more into hunting.
Dad did have a deer tag and in hindsight I shouldn't have let him carry a gun. He was able to shoot a cow if we came upon one but the chances were pretty slim in that spot.
Shitty deal spitz. Sounds like a patently selfish individual.

p.s. u screwed up letting him take a gun.:D
One of the Golden Rules:

Don't piss of the people that will select your retirement home.

The kid will get even.
First you're lamed up with Tampons so much you roadhunt a buck... then you're out guiding , Gesh, Only in Bozeman. Tell the truth, You're Greenies Brother, huh ? :D

Thats a jacked up situation. Some dad's are A-holes. I've heard of similar situations. Kids are always slow on the go to get lined up. Fortunately I've been on a few kid's hunts before I have to take my own.Even though I'm an A-hole, hopefully I won't be one to my kids :p
What as ass! Spitz you did the right thing by sticking with what you said the conditions were. I do feel bad for the kid though. Hope he never let's his dad hear the end of it. I can't believe his dad did that. At my worst, on my worst day, I couldn't do that to one of my kids. Tick's me off just reading about it.
Now that the season is over it's really sunk in to me how lame this turned out for the kid. I had no reason to believe that having the dad carry a gun would be a big deal. I hadn't hunted with the guy before (and never will again) but he's a rational person and a pretty decent guy. I can't fathom how somebody would make the decision that he did. When I have kids old enough to hunt, there's no way in hell I'd spoil a special hunt for them like that. This guy has killed a few decent bucks, nothing real big, but definitely bucks bigger than what he shot. It's not like he saw a once in a lifetime gagger of a buck, which may make some people think twice, it's a friggin dink in every sense of the term.
Thats really too bad. I think the Dad is going to regret that decision for a while.

Good for you for at least trying. Go find a buck for the kid next year and take him and dad out 1 more time-no gun for dad and let the kid whack it. Make sure its bigger than anything dad ever killed.
That's chitty! I think just deserts would be if you could help the kid out next year, but dad gets to either stay in the truck or at home! :D
Dont worry about it. Let the father take his kid hunting now and stay out of it or take the kid without dad sometime. The only regrets the kid and father should have is all because what the father did, not you. You did the right thing, you laid down the rules and followed through.
What would be real funny is if Dad started reading this thread and realized what a jerk he was to his kid. Invite him to join!
There ya go....invite him to sign up. He can see what everyone thinks of his decision to shoot "his son's buck." What a selfish prick. Decent enough guy or not....I don't have any tolerance for crap like that.
That is just so typical. The last day of hunting around here, people lose their minds, just to fill a tag. Dad should not have even been packing if those were the rules.

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