I thought the Wolves ate all the Elk in Montana???

Wolves only eat 6x6 Bulls.
They are just like hunters, and only want the horns...
Yeah I understand that the wolves are going to move the elk around...

I was just a little discouraged to find that they had moved them all out of my honey hole after we had packed in a camp and were ready to go... Oh well thats hunt'n.

They had miles and miles of mountains to hunt in and they had to pick my area... didn't they know I was coming???

The elk heard in my management area appears to be doing just fine and is way over objective for the range according to MT FW&P. We did manage to get one elk in the adjacent drainage with all the wolves, and we saw a few others too.

On the drag/pack out about 300 yards from the kill site, we saw wolf tracks over the top of OUR tracks in the snow... from about 2 hours earlier! That was kinda cool but at the same time a little scary.

Another thing that was supprising to us was the number of deer we saw. We saw more deer this year than we have seen in probably 20 years, or more. I don't konw if that is linked to the wolves, but it was very nice to see... I'll trade a big muley for a stinky old elk anyday... :p

Now if we can keep every tom dick and harry from shooting every little 3pt they see we might have some nice bucks again...

There are supposedly two diffrent packs in the area and more elk than ever before. Like I said I am not really sure what to make of it just yet. No one wants to shoot a cow any more... so that can be accounting for the number of elk, who knows.

Here is a strange comparison is... deer hunting here in MD to elk hunting in MT. We shoot HALF the estimated deer population every year and the population is still increasing out of control. Most of the kill is 1.5 YO bucks as well. Not really much of a comparison but, MT kills no where even cloose to half the population of elk more like (I'm guessing) 15%. The population is still growing faster than the Fish and Game can control or the wolves for that matter.

I know there are a lot of other circumstances to the population demographics of the two spiecies, but if you just say populations and kill percentages... not all that much diffrent...

I guess time will be the answer to the wolf dilema...


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