I think its time to start the FAT OFF!!!!

Fell off the wagon... I am in CA for a week and eating on the company's dime so i have been pigging out!! Eating mexican every day.
Went for a natur drive last evening and saw about 50 pigs! no place to hunt as of yet.
LMAO Chevy... :D :D :D
I have seen that you can eat any thing you want even when on a diet, but you can't eat all you want, you only eat until your not hungry, not until you are full... ;)
Me to. I just do a little walk to work it off...







Some of these I had to walk into, and the rest are kinda job related, I wonder if these types of activities is what helps me keep my girlish figure.... :D
No;it isn't the walking; it's the girdle!!! :D

(Sorry to hear that Schmaltz; mine would just try harder!)
Russ, Russ, Russ, Russ... :eek: regarding the second to last picture. You need to learn how to fall a tree buddy. ;) I havent put that ugly of a back cut in since I was like 15. That is just nasty man! Suprised you didn't kill yourself when that one went over. That gives fallers everywhere a bad name. And OH MY LORD is that an 044 I spy!?!?!? What are you doing falling with an 044? No wonder that back cut is so damned ugly!
You guys are killing me! I'm 5'11" and 160 today. I was 175 a little while back and did the Atkins thing religiously till I compressed a disc in my back which threw off the treadmill runs at work.

Anyway...where was I? Oh yea! The exercise has stopped. I tried all the low carb brews and only "green light" satisfies. That's coming from a Coors Light drinker! Oh yeah, Clear liquor has no Carbs! Nothing like Gin and low cal no carb tonics! Isn't it amazing I can still type! Stop laughing. I didn't have to backspace so much and correct..... ok, so I did, LOL!! Where was I Oh yeah. I'm still 15lbs lighter and I haven't excersized in the least!

Let's hear it for Seagrams, Greenlight, and the love of Vicodan,Flexeril and Naproxin!

Man, talk about some weird dreams at night!
oh,yeah. I should have posted this on the Elk site, but I put in for 5 different elk hunts in Az for Muz.

Which means I'll be heading up north for Elk since being an AZ resident I STILL don't have a prayer for an Elk Tag!! Clear Water here I come!!
LMAO Jordan.... :D :D :D I don't do Humbolts on a usual basis, I was called over by another crew to cut this stump up so they could get in and put out the fire... That is a pretty ugly cut, not my signature...
I use a 44 and a 66 as my general saws of choice. But I had no say in what I was using here... We can't take our saws on the airplanes any more so we get what we get out of supply on the fires....
LOL John...That is good stuff....the stuff you wrote..... ;)
Way to go Fred, keep it up, you will get your gilrish figure back yet...I for one am rooting for you ......RhaRhaRha....goooooOOOOOOOO FRED!!! :D
Ok.. today is uhhh Friday 20th+ May something. ( please prefer to my recipe tread and you'll kaught on).

At 6'1" and 187, I'll bid on this wait losooe progam and promise to do as many hurls, blends, and lifts as tit takes to get down to a slvelt 185 by.....ohhhhhhhhh..... tomrooroww mourning. :D

"CEll-A=Brashion Time, Come On"!! New batch of hootch off the burner. If y'all ain't here by sundown you louse, ;)

P>S> don't call in the nourning, ok.............
Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

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