I think I found a permanant home!


New member
Dec 6, 2002
Idaho Falls, Idaho
Hi guys!
Been gone a while again, making a transition again. In February I was forced to transfer to Idaho Falls because the Store that I was working at closed down. I spent alot of my time comuting to I.F. from Pocatello. Finally my lease on the apartment I was renting expired and I was able to move up to Idaho Falls last week.
Now that I'm here and the new job looks very good and promising for advancement in the future, I can stop by and visit more often.

I know that Tara and Michealrr are here. who else is here that I can meet and get to know?

Talk at ya later, I've gotta get redy for work.

Dano, good to hear ya doing fine bro !!!

Stop by often and Fill us in on your Endevours !!
Moosie; Get his lease money!! :eek: Dano my man; NOTHING is permanant!! It's just a matter of temporary in varying degrees! ;) Welcome home buddy!!
Thanks guys!

I've sure missed ya!

Elkhunter, I'd like to meet you and LB any time!
Then you could meet my family too.

I'm still iorning things out so I'm quite occupied, I'll try to stop in more often.

I know nothings perminant, but things are alot more stable than they were. How's the cookin' going?

Dano at the Ohio GT I learned that three things will really mess up a recipe: rain, mud, and poor organization! :D
That's the s*its Dano!! Trying to work around the rain and the mud results in constant re-organization. Kind of like eating a sandwich sitting on the john and forgetting which hand is for wiping!! :eek:
Dang paws,
You make me laugh! You're right about an over abundance of rain though. Sure puts a damper on a good cook out! I'm sure the next one will go well.

I had to move again and it's taken a while to get settled in. I've been working alot of varying shifts during the same week and some times I don't feel like doing anything that takes the slightest effort. I guess I'm lazy, I've always been able to get on the internet, but wouldn't bite the bullet and make the time. I also had to commute an hour to and an hour from work since I was transfered to this new store until we got moved here. After 8 hours of work and the 2 hours of travel I just wanted to sit and DIE.

You'll be seeing me more now.
Caribou Gear

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