I need a Nevada GPS Chip


Well-known member
Feb 3, 2011
Lubbock, Texas
Anyone have a Nevada GPS chip that they would want to sell, rent, trade, etc.?

I have an antelope tag for unit 31 this year and I have the regional chips for the northern rockies and the southern rockies and that includes pretty much all the states except Nevada.

I'm having a hard time springing the $100 for the single state chip so thought I would check here to see if anyone has one laying around first.

Thanks, Nathan
Wow, I had just done a search to see if anyone had them on sale and didn't see any. At 10% off and then 25% off that it's showing $67.45 with free shipping.

I think I'm going to go ahead and pull the trigger on it for that price.

Thanks for the heads up!!
Dang good deal. Too bad they don't have ID or northern rockies. If anyone knows a deal on those please let me know.

Good luck on your antelope hunt.