36 with winds whipping.
Just went out with Rio to fill the wood supply for the night. Freezing cold.
Had a fire going all day. I thought we had a fire outside at sunrise. It wasn't smoke , it's dust.
10% humidity. Wind to die down after midnight. -1 tonight with -2 for sunrise tomorrow.
It was 65 yesterday. LOL

It was wet, snowy and muddy last week. My lips are cracking today...
Good news, updated temp for morning is 15 now.
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Got some more heading your way. Lightning was nonstop and LOUD! Lights flickered and the satellite went out for 15-20 minutes. Wasn't a lot of rain or wind but we sure knew it was here!
A storm Just went through here. It started to blow up as it went across the river into Wisconsin. It looks like it goes from central Mn to central Mo. be careful out there.
Word. All the snow melted this weekend. I just shoveled driveway for 3rd time today… at least 24” if not 30” in past 2 days and it’s still falling fast. Uh
OK I'll jump out of the box. And say that thread titles giving no clue about the content and now in bold. Because they live where they have weather like they do. It snowed here again last night, looks beautiful on the trees.
Hey if I let the weather totally dictate what I do I probably wouldn't do much. It's the weather and you can't change it.
May have to rearranged a few things or wear more gear. And it's still worth it
42 and heavy rain on the ROCK... 55and sun tomorrow. coldest April I can remember in deckades up here........still below freezing some nights...........I like t-shirt weather for spring bear hunting.....AND I don't like below freezing while sleeping in tent ........I'm past that kind of ''ADVENTURE''.!!
OK I'll jump out of the box. And say that thread titles giving no clue about the content and now in bold. Because they live where they have weather like they do. It snowed here again last night, looks beautiful on the trees.
Hey if I let the weather totally dictate what I do I probably wouldn't do much. It's the weather and you can't change it.
May have to rearranged a few things or wear more gear. And it's still worth it
This was my favorite time of year when I lived in Alaska. Days were long and warmer. Still lots of snow to snowshoe or ski.
85 yesterday, probably the same today, and chance of snow tomorrow night. Ugh...
Too cheap to turn on the AC yesterday. Ceiling fans and house was 78 inside. Just turned the furnace back on. 38 and rain now with about an inch of snow predicted tonight.
We could get a foot , so they say , tonight! I don't care. Snowblower still fubar from last storm, the poor condition of the road was the cause, not the snow. Been blowing huge junks of highway through the doggone thing! Lovely roads we have around here! Can't wait to see what N,evers does with all that budget surplus! Am sure tranny kids could use some more inclusive playgrounds!

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