You must be old like me. The older you get the less you tolerate winter and stupid. Looking outside now and deciding to do a trail run as it is snowing or go in the man cave and ride the bike and watch TV. 32 degrees, light snow... not terrible but we really have had a mild winter in WI so far besides a few days of real nasty wind chills
I'm guessing the Meadowlarks haven't shown up yet?
Boy I hope not. Still below zero at night. Just us winter residents for a while yet.

Last spring when we had those two big blizzards end of April/beginning of May, it killed a ton of little birds that had showed up early. Dead robins and sparrows all over.
I have had enough of winter. Snowing, damp, and crappy again today. I have absolutely 0 ambition to do anything outside. Put in a quick 5 hours at work this morning and now watching a bunch of old fresh tracks and eating homemade pizza. Dang I'm ready for t shirt weather and green grass.

Ok rant over.

First winter in the midwest? (sarcasm)
We've had snow on the ground since Halloween. Had 6" in the yard most of the winter at 5,000 ft elevation. It has slowly went down until last Friday with 6" of new wet stuff. Temps have been anywhere below 0 to single digits night time temps all winter. Days temps have varied from 0 to 40's.
Things won't change until after Easter. Then hopefully it settles down and finally warms up. But there is going to be a lot of run off should it warm up fast. A lot of snow sitting in the lower elevations.
Cabin fever is growing big time and everyone is done with winter.
17 below here and dropping. It is still an hour till sunrise. I haven't caught a Walleye for 2 months.

What really hurt about the early start to winter was having a new pup and experiencing the best pheasant season I have had in recent years. It started off so so, but got better when the corn and sunflowers got harvested and the birds got a little more color.

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