I finally did it- Moron status achieved ( again)


Well-known member
Aug 27, 2015
E. Oregon
Well, after 40 years of shooting I finally got my first scope cut. I will save the pics, but it was a beauty. Always wandered how anyone can do it. I went out and broke in the 6.5 which shoots as you know shoots very soft. I shot a couple boxes over a hour breaking in a new gun ( Howa 1500). I ended up at 300' yards with it and got it just perfect. After that decided to put one down range with .28 Nosler ( X-Bolt Pro which is much much lighter than the Howa) just to verify before hunting. I really didn't think anything about, forgetting its not the 6.5. First shot and uh-oh.
Well, after 40 years of shooting I finally got my first scope cut. I will save the pics, but it was a beauty. Always wandered how anyone can do it. I went out and broke in the 6.5 which shoots as you know shoots very soft. I shot a couple boxes over a hour breaking in a new gun ( Howa 1500). I ended up at 300' yards with it and got it just perfect. After that decided to put one down range with .28 Nosler ( X-Bolt Pro which is much much lighter than the Howa) just to verify before hunting. I really didn't think anything about, forgetting its not the 6.5. First shot and uh-oh.

It took you 40 years? Damn...you're a slow learner. LOL! Most of us have accomplished this during the first year.
Well, after 40 years of shooting I finally got my first scope cut. I will save the pics, but it was a beauty. Always wandered how anyone can do it. I went out and broke in the 6.5 which shoots as you know shoots very soft. I shot a couple boxes over a hour breaking in a new gun ( Howa 1500). I ended up at 300' yards with it and got it just perfect. After that decided to put one down range with .28 Nosler ( X-Bolt Pro which is much much lighter than the Howa) just to verify before hunting. I really didn't think anything about, forgetting its not the 6.5. First shot and uh-oh.
You forgot to let down your manbun before switching back to a real 😀😀😀
I remember my little brother did it on his first shot. 20 gauge single shot that each of us learned to shoot with. He was right handed but left eye dominant. So he takes his first shot right handed but leaning over the barrel to aim with his left eye. Gun kicked back and the hammer split his forehead wide open. Don’t remember how many stitches it took to close it, but it was several and left a good scar.

As I tell my kids, “scars are tattoos with better stories”.
My 1st blacktail buck in 2015 , I got excited and didn’t hold properly, steep up hill angle in brush off a stump was afraid to move he was looking my way , I got scoped , drilled me in the head between the eyes just above the eyebrows , and I got a buck !!! Ha ha ... it’s the little things in life, nobody ever did notice in the pictures that I had blood running down under my hat I tried to hide it for the picture but everyone just focused on the buck.It’s the one and only time I’ve done it
I get it Bro. Took my then soon to be wife with me to the range with my brand new Weatherby 7 Mag. 1st shot off the bench....Blood. She laughed her ass off. Even now, 35 yrs later & divorced, she will still bring it up from time to time......
Got one on the bridge of my nose an antelope with a steeper uphill shot with my 300wm pre-brake. Was tender for a good two weeks. Those angles are the ones when I get kissed.