I couldn't take it anymore...

Ben Lamb

Well-known member
Aug 6, 2010
Cedar, MI
11 weeks of the Legislature had me beat down, so my wife and I turned off the phones, and the computers and headed out for a little fishing trip to one of our favorite spots. Saturday was a blue bird day, and blustery, but we managed to pick up few nice fish out of a spring creek. Sunday, we fished the creek again and managed a few nice fish, but nothing as big as Saturday.

This is why we keep fighting:




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Very nice! Grats on some enjoyable time away... Gotta keep your sanity! :)
That last pic makes me want to pack a drilling around for our whitetail excursion this fall.
I was gonna make a crack about the similarities between dealing with fish and legislators.....slime, small brains, bottom feeders..... but I decided discretion is the wiser thing. Oh wait dammit...too late. Sorry. Besides that, fish are cool....
Lower your flags and march straight back to whatever tea party, anti-wildlife, anti-hunting hovel you come from, stopping at every home you pass by to beg forgiveness for a legislative session borne of theft, rape, and murder. Do that and your political aspirations shall live. Do it not, and every one of you will be looking for new unsubsidized healthcare and a free laptop tomorrow.

Lenny the Bruce.

Ben, that first rainbow is one absolutely stunning hatchery dude:)

Triploid too. :) Fought like a wet sock.

Seriously those are stocked fish (or were) but the browns are naturally occurring. Some of the bigger bows have been around for a while, but aren't brood stock. They get educated in the summer and by August/Sept they are very wary. In spring though, they're dumber than a box of rocks. We fished the river next to the creek and did well on wild browns on streamers.

All were caught on pellet flies. I refuse to fish bait. I have standards.