HuntTalk's Future and Ideas...


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
Let me start off by saying the Same ol' Same ol'..... TIME for me is getting more and More limited. I didn't realise the Impacts of putting a Newsletter for Deer hunters of Idaho together, the Meetings the paperwork, fish and game meetings and othewr Org's calling me... With Regular work and the Family (3 boys) and my Hunting time to boot. There's grass to be cut and Fences to be built and .. Well, The list goes on but ya get the Jist ;)

NOW, That being said, I want to Dump an OLD Idea and Bring forth a New one. Putting the Hunttalk Newsletter together is cool and was Fun but also a big time taker. SO I'm thinking about this. I'm gonig to Talk to Delw and See what we need to Host he Pictures/Vids at We'll figure out a Fair price and keep it as low as possible. Whatever that # is we'll throw it out as an Option to host Pictures. We'll have anyone hoting pictures (Starting Next year) reimbuse him directly instead of it coming to me and Me sending it tto him for the hosting.

We're going to Dump the HuntTalk Newsletter right now and Go to a Anual HutnTalk "HUNTS" type magazine. We're going to put in Pictures of everyone that sends it in. Anyone with a Hunttalk Logo (Shirt, hat , Jacket, Underwear ;) ) will be featured in it. Everyone else will come second and friends will not be placed in it unless they Register. We're gonig to Take al the pictures from the Year and put together a short few word Story and kick out our First anual MAgazine. Depending on the Interest will be what it cost. Just looknig to break even, but have a Blast doing it !!! I've talked to several peopel and am getting the Layout and stuff going.

This magazine will have Turkey, bear, Duck, deer, ELk , Goose, and well... MAybe even a sheep picture or two
in it. It will me a Members (Anyone that posts here) magazine.

I want to do this to get started and When I get the Handle of all the other clubs I'm a director or president in handled and other commitments in life we'll beef up the freaquency of it.

THE 2nd thing is a HUNTTALK.COM DVD !!!! We're putting together a Video of Footage that Hutntalk Posters make throught the year. We're gonig to take Vid clips of Hunting or Fishing and put small Clip-lets in a Video and Compile it. I have 2 video guys working on that Idea and I'm running with it.

SO..... 1 Magazine, 1 video. thats what I'm thinknig for this year. KEEP good Pictures, Take GOOD Video. Not all Pictures should be posted on the Net and Not all Video Clips either. Save some Excitement for the Magazine and DVD's !!!

I've been Him-HAWING around deciding what I want to do and thats what I've come up with. This will be a 2004 MAG/VIDEO. no "OLD" stuff, just this years.

Lemme know what ya think.... I'm gonig to Clean the Yard then go bear baiting, Maybe to get a Vid clip of something to start this party off :D

PS< Anyone that gave Money for the "MEMBERSHIPS" this year and Has heart ache that I'm not getting out any more Newsletters this year I'll gladly reimbuse or whatever. It's not about the Monmey it's about being fair to Everyone and HAving a good time !!!

<<<<<< FEED BACK ? >>>>>>>>>>>
Hey, looks like with your busy schedual that you have a pretty good handle on what the wants are... I will give what help I can, all you have to do is ask.

PS You can't have any of the pics of me checking elk for sex... :eek: ;)
Moosie whatever needs to be done do it and I still need to send you some money yet for membership as soon as I get caught up on all these bills you will be sent some cash sir.
We might have our own forum, but we would still dominate the rest of the board, just because that is where the fun people are, except for a couple slugs that slink around in the SI section. ;)