Hunttalk superbowl predictions

Being an Eagles fan, I was never a Romo fan. But, you have to hand it to him, he played through some injuries...broken ribs, a punctured lung, if I remember correctly a broken collar bone...tough SOB. I do like him as a commentator, though. He has a good understanding of the game and how it plays out.
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Since we've moved beyond the average QBs... (Just ribbin' ya, EM)

Joe Montana, supported by Jerry Rice, John Taylor, Ronnie Lott... Coach Walsh.

Joe Montana is the greatest QB. Period. Hands Down. End of Statement. 😉🙂
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Will never watch that unpatriotic trash again. 🤬

While I don’t agree with what some players have done in the past not all the players in the NFL were disrespectful towards the flag , I won’t quit watching a game I enjoy over the choices of a few players. This was the opening of this years game , it’s as patriotic and American as it gets

Jimmy Garapplo had the all time worse QBR in the 4th quarter of the SB ever. Gonna have to work on that. Last I heard, Romo is retired. magnet, I know it's hard, but the Niners lost man. mtmuley
Just a little food for thought a lot of people are saying Garoppolo numbers dropped way off after the helmet to helmet that wasn't called at the beginning of the 4th qtr
At one point he was 18 of 21 then concussion?

Bad 4th quarter coaching, bad 4th quarter QB performance and ice cold water in PH's veins. Excuses abound I guess. Doubt JG got away with playing with a concussion. Good luck to him next year. mtmuley
Somewhere between 50 and 80% of sports concussions go un undiagnosed depending on what studies you read. Many don't include loss of consciousness.
If the helmet to helmet didn't get called why would anyone check him?
No excuses just bouncing thoughts.

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