PEAX Equipment Video?


Well-known member
Jan 16, 2002
Wasn't there supposed to be one this past year? Just wondering if I missed it, or if it ever came to fruition??
That and a upscale mag. Life changing news spoiled everything.
Cost Ruined the Magazine Project. I actually talked to several printers and the cost to put something liek that together was Fugin Nutz. We could puttogether a one issue magazine, I could pony up the 5k to get out a first issue to "SEE", but I don't want to be in charge of Shipping the things.

I will have paid $1,100 just to keep this site up and running with no money back not counting the Free stuff we hand out for the picture contest. etc.

I think a HuntTalk magazine would be KICK ass. I think we have enough people to fill the Sun Beotch with Pictures, have editors, and maintain a following. A magazine about the "AVERAGE" hunter. Pictures of 3" bucks and Doe deer. The idea is Kick "A".

TIME and Money.... Time is full time and to start with a 60 page magazine 4 times a year I think I was into it 20k without counting the "time".

Talk to me AZ402, let the Boss know what to do !!!!
On the Video Project, People sent in stuff, Browtine even got alot going on it. I had alot of video to send but never put it together. Time was that issue. Couple people said they would help but it takes alot of work too.

I would be willing to talk on the phone or sit down with someone if they were REALLY serious about starting and Finishing a product and has a projection of what we could sell. I would do it even at a Small loss just so people could see more of "ME", Cuz thats how I roll.

Once again, talk it up in this thread and let's proceed. I will jsut let you know my time alotment is Miniscule. (Or however you spell that fancey word for small :D :D)
I'm going back in my archives and getting prices I was Quoted. I remember talking extensivly with several Printers and we were looking at prices around.

Based on 96 inside pages and a heavier cover (frontoutside, front inside, back inside, back outside....all pages of cover in color). Then the inside will bepriced on 48 black and white, 48 color, then a priceon all 96 pages color. You do printing in incrementsof 8 or twelve pages usually. Quantity of 2000 and 5,000. This doesnt include shipping yet

You may want to start getting prices elsewhere. My boss gave me prices and I was a bit shocked. He said for that short of run we can't be competitive. Leas the was straight with me. I dont have the quote infront of me but it was like $4.25 apiece if we did 5000, something like $5.00 if we did 2000. Thats way to much. I think most mags SELL for that much. We need to make better profit than that.

Look at those #'s and Talk to me folks !!! Anyone know printers ? Anyone think I could Fund that kind of Project and Not just Eat my Shorts ? 2k magazines at $5 = $10,000 without shipping.
Mainly I posted the question because I wanted a video if they were out and I wasn't aware. With that being said, first off thanks for shelling money out of your own pocket to keep this site running (best on the web IMO).

The magazine would have to have heavy sponsor dollars just to break even I'd imagine. It'd be a great thing to do but like you said. Expense and time are a major issue. Even if everyone who posted on a regular basis subscribed, it'd be tough to break even.

I'm well aware of the time involved in putting together a 60 min quality video. By quality I don't necessarily mean quality video clips. Editing, sound and narrations make a video as much as anything. Sometimes it hard to get things focused. A lot of guys end up filming free hand as well. Usually that makes for some shaky video. Narration and editing once again take time and money. I say it would cost $5-6 per DVD/Tape to be mass reproduced after the master was finished. I’m not really sure on the cost the covers but I’d bet a few bucks per.

Also, like you I have my own biz. Knowing the time that a video takes, I’d have to say I’d be little help other than offering some clips that we don’t use (I have some good ones that have never made it on a vid). Anyway, I’d do what I could but it may not be much.
Instead of doing a print magazine, what about an electronic version. Charge a few bucks and then mail out a .pdf. I subscribe to three magazines this way (Wolfe Publishing). Sure there'd be some pirating, but one could get one out with pretty minimal costs. Surely no-one on this site would be that low... ;) This would also allow for less than professional quality, yet still pretty good, publishing for a hard copy as well.

I'd be more than willing to help and would even buy the software to create the magazine and do some editing/layout.
Damn beat me to posting "my idea". With all the environmentalists around here, save the trees and just email the pdf.
All this vid/mag talk reminds me to tell you guys about a TV show. If you have the Mens Channel, every Weds at 4:30 MST there is a show called Living on the Wildside. If you watch enough you may see my ruggedly handsome mugg show up from time to time........
why so many pages--that's a lot to fill up in a year---cut the pages down to like 30 or even less, unless there's advertising to pay for more--but really keep it small and interesting--to many magazines have to much of the same stuff---I'd do a couple of deer, elk, moose, bear, goats, backpacking, Africa, etc... articles in each issue--that way one wouldn't have to scramble to come up with stuff for future issues--plus why print it out--make it available online for some fee but don't let it be printable--we all have computers, so everyone pays to see and read it and if it goes good and the coffers allow then put it on paper in the future----allow one or two of the resident apes to write an article or point of view and add these in-- and add a link to the site to read the forums and to join of course----chris
I am going to send you my number in a pm. We can talk about doing the video thing. I am still interested in editing it.

As far as the magazine cost goes, advertisement pays the bills. In some of my Journalism classes that I took, they said the advertisement pays for nearly everything. That explains why there is so much there. The other thing that pays for the cost is the rack sale of the magazine. There is nearly triple if not more profit in rack sales than in subscriptions. The number of subscribers is what you throw at the prospective advertisers to tell them that its worth placing several thousand dollars worth of advertisement a year in your magazine.

As far as an average guys magazine. Good idea. The marketing on that would be great because there really isn't a niche that is filled by a magazine that really does that.

The final decision I guess would be if whether or not the overhead cost, and the time necessary to recruit the advertisement would be there to even break even. Anyway, just a Public Relations majors two sense on the thing.
Ovis, great minds think...well I sure as hope to hell you don't normally fill your head with the same thoughts I do. My opinion of you would drop a notch. ;)
Are you looking for what it would cost to get the video produced? I can tell you how much it would cost roughly, but it would depend on what you wanted for final product too.
AZ402, I'm kicking around some Ideas right now. We have all the stuff people sent in a year ago. We also have alot from this year. I'd love to have a Mambers Video. I would rather see a 2x3 killed my a member then a 30+" buck killed by some guy I don't know.

I talked to the Wife and we might head to Utah for a couple days at the end of Jan. Browtine has started a Video earlier this year and he has all the Pictures and vids that were sent in. I thought if we took 2 days to compile everything we had and kick out a "AVERAGE" video it would be a Start. MAybe people next year would take the extra time at camp to video a little. We could see alot of hunts all over and get to know Members a littel better.

I'm guessing we'd never make any money off of it but would be fun :D

As far as the Magazine. Right now we're paying about $1500 per issue for our DHI newsletter. Thats 12 pages long (or 3 11x17's in half). if we produced 100 copies it's about $1000 to do still. Printers have a Set up fee and such. I dont' understand this because I provide them with a PDF of the magazine page and they just upload it with nothing to be edited.

My point is we don't save a lot by only doing 30 pages in a magazine instead of 60. We could shrink it down for the content but I think we have more dang stories to use then most magazines currently have ?

If we were to do a Magazine, I wouldn't want to have advertising. Hell, I hate picking up every hunting mag and seeing the first 3 pages in full page Remington and chevy adds before I even get to the first story. I'd rather break even of lose a little and have just a hunting magazine.

Still taking Ideas....
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