NEW SITKA Ambient 75

Hunting with glasses?

This really works, used the same idea many times to keep my dive googles free of fogging. Also, my optician orders some kind of fogging treatment for my lenses. Can't remember what it is but you should check into it. It's Optifog or Opticote, something light that. My glasses don't fog.
I'll be asking my Doc about this tomorrow! Thanks for the info!
They will not help in the rain or wet snow but I use snow Goggles.
If you're going to be in glasses for the rest of your hunting years, get some good ones.
Most you can change lenses for different light, very handy.
When it -30* and the wind blows your breath into your face sitting on a coyote set, you will be glad you got the good ones.
MAKE SURE you get the ones made to go over glasses.
Years ago I put up a post about similar Problems. I’m sorry about your vision issues. That is scary.

I think the fact of the matter is if you run hot as I do, putting your glasses on the end of your nose won’t keep them from fogging up, nor will any product on the market or homemade solution out there. My vest pocket has microfiber wipes perpetually.

A few years back I switched to daily contacts and it made a big difference. I can hunt wearing my glasses, but I just have to accept the fact that I will be wiping the them clear every few minutes and will never have a clear field of view.

Largely because of the input of people on that thread, I am scheduled to get Lasik in two weeks. I don’t know if you are a candidate, but I have yet to speak to someone with a negative thing to say about it who’s got it.
For me my glasses and fogging is a quality problem. I still get to hunt. As others have mentioned, I slide my glasses a bit forward on my nose when they start fogging. I try to keep them clean (a bigger problem for me). Check with your lens crafter over which anti-fogging solution to use. I ruined a pair using the wrong stuff.
It is mostly my exhaled breath. I need space around them to vent and space around my face masks, bandanas etc. I wear rimless regular glasses which seems to help. My wrap around sunglasses are a bigger problem. I don’t give it much thought anymore though...
Years ago I put up a post about similar Problems. I’m sorry about your vision issues. That is scary.

I think the fact of the matter is if you run hot as I do, putting your glasses on the end of your nose won’t keep them from fogging up, nor will any product on the market or homemade solution out there. My vest pocket has microfiber wipes perpetually.

A few years back I switched to daily contacts and it made a big difference. I can hunt wearing my glasses, but I just have to accept the fact that I will be wiping the them clear every few minutes and will never have a clear field of view.

Largely because of the input of people on that thread, I am scheduled to get Lasik in two weeks. I don’t know if you are a candidate, but I have yet to speak to someone with a negative thing to say about it who’s got it.
Thank you for the link to your old post. Yes it was/is a scary deal but I'm just thankful that my vision is improving. I went quite a while fighting to see ANYTHING let alone a computer screen.

For now, I'll just have to put up with the specs and all the frustration they provide. Oh, and all the ribbing from my loving wife. I think that she is enjoying leading the way and spotting all the game while we are out and about.

Good luck with the LasiK. I hope that all turns out well for you. Congrats and thank you, you've experienced an amazing fall season, taken some beautiful critters and I have really enjoyed reading your posts!
I have worn glasses all my life and just took them for granted. However, I tend to put them on my head or drop them around my neck when using binos or a spotting scope. I am probably within a year of surgery that will eliminate the need for glasses with me. I have cataracts and the day is coming to do the surgery to fix that.

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