Hunting season preparations, what did you do today?

Today... Work again. Stare at OnXmaps - again. Read Bugle - again. Check fire report - again. Oh, and work.

Tonight: sack gear / food. Waterproof tent.
Took my daughter and pup for a hike and scouted some areas in the process. Studied some OnX maps. Shot my bow and planning on running a few miles to end the day. Can't wait until hunting season starts.
Got excited when I got permission to hit up a private spot for doves tomorrow. And promptly lost it all when he said I was only allowed to shoot bucks this fall. So much for filling the freezer... I guess 2 deer is better than nothing. Unless of course all I see are does!
Yesterday, hung two loc-on sets getting ready for archery. Also, left a climber in a spot where I’ve killed before.
My house remodel has been chugging along, but I'm loading up my truck with camping gear again. I have a doe muzzleloader tag and since I've already been out chasing sheep and elk with buddies this season, decided it's my 8-year-old daughter's turn for some quality mountain time. Hopefully the grouse and deer will be thick and we'll have some fun...
Antelope vacuum packed and frozen, (minus the tender loins eaten and loin given to the rancher as a token of thanks), all dirty hunting clothes washed and put back into their respective tubs, wife's SUV washed for the second time, game bags as clean as ever and packed with the kill kit....... (oh, yeah, gotta clean the havalon blade used to cut the backstrap into a couple of pieces to fit into the gallon ziplock bag). I gotta get a spot cleaner to clean the Pop-up 38 and Scapegoat blood stains and I probably should wax the bowstring and wipe down the rifle one more time.

Next "trip" is more than two months away, so it will be day trips for awhile.
After soccer games with kids all morning, I took my 13 year old 10 year old and 5 year old grouse hunting/elk scouting in the area where my two boys have elk tags that start in a little less than a month. We didn't find any grouse but my 10 year old got a little more practice packing a gun in the elk woods, since this will be his first year hunting. We also located some good glassing locations and a few good camping spots. Getting out today really got us excited for next month and our upcoming hunts. It was especially nice because we got some rain this morning, it was nice cool and overcast and felt like fall weather finally.
Almost got the blinds done yesterday.


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My hunting season preparations are finally getting back on track after a month plus a few days of hurricane mode at work. I am now a month behind and playing catch up, but I'll get there. It will only make the payoff more rewarding.

On the upside I have dropped about 5lbs since the storm hit just from working like a maniac.

I was able to get my Alaknak tent set up complete with the wood heater and stovepipe and spend a couple of nights in it over the weekend. It was in my yard, but whatever. I got the seams sealed as well.

I was able to get the trailer ready to go except for packing the wheel bearings and buying the parts to rebuild them on the trip if need be.

I ordered a scope for my new rifle and will spend lots of time with it once the scope comes in.

I was able to do a complete clothing and gear inventory. I am good to go in that department except for needing a couple more potable water containers and some miscellaneous small items.

Have oil changes and servicing of the ATV and truck to do over the next day or two.

24 days until we leave for Montana. I hope I can get a few bow hunts in down here before we leave.
Cleaned gear, repaired gear, packed gear, replaced an oil filter canister with a hairline crack, etc.

Also, every year I've thought I should hit the weight room a couple to three days a week all winter. Invariably I don't. This time, for sure (any Bullwinkle and Rocky fans?)….

I went to the weight room this morning. I'll turn 50 next elk season, time to reshape some habits.
I got the email today from Outdoor Mentors that they have two youth hunters for me to take out this weekend for antlerless whitetail weekend. So I need to set up my pack for a hot afternoon pop up blind sit, and be ready to coach a youngster thru getting his/her first deer. And then be ready to go at 0'dark thirty the next morning to get the second kid on a deer.

The ranch is far enough from Wichita that I'm contemplating asking to overnight at the ranch, either sleeping in my SUV or popping out a tent. Which means I need to find my tent in the overstuffed storeroom.
I got the finishing touches put on my tent set up this morning. Got my sheep all wormed and vaccinated over the weekend. Everything is starting to come together to head north on the 29th.

On the not so bright side, I rolled my left ankle over the weekend when I stepped in a shallow hole. I didn't think anything of it besides "You better be more careful dummy" but by the time I got in the house and removed my boots later in the evening it was swollen pretty bad. I have been icing it and wearing a compression sleeve as well as sleeping with it elevated. I would be doing a good job of using the RICE method if I could get the Rest part of the acronym down. The swelling has about gone but it is still a little sore. Hopefully I can be healed or power through come go time.
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