hunting organizations like the NRA that fight against PETA and support hunting rights


Active member
Jul 15, 2016
Daytona Beach
I like to start by apologizing if this thread has already been started but Im reading alot about keeping our public lands in federal hands and seeing alot in the news where our hunting rights are slowing being eroded away. Im a lifetime NRA member but what large organizations are out there specifically fighting for hunters. What organizations due you feel are good ones to contribute money to. I understand the RMEF or WSF but there causes are specific. Suggestions?
Thanks for your replies
I donate to Backcountry Hunters & Anglers and the Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership as well as a few species specific organizations. Stay away from SFW if you like hunting public lands, on your own.
Both RMEF & WSF are fighting against the seizure & sale of public lands.

Others are TRCP, BHA, NWF, Pheasants Forever and a host of local and state based groups as well as local rod & gun clubs.
just curious how much political pull does the RMEF have. Ive been thinking about becoming a life member there as well but i just dont see them having the clout that an organization like the NRA or Peta does. I want to give what few dollars i have to the best organization that represents me as a hunter
Rimmatt,,, the RMEF has influence greater than it might seem. Their President, David Allen is careful and considered in his statements, he doesn't scare politicians that he might say something outlandish. When I see photos of Interior Secretary Sally Jewel in Montana she is visiting with the RMEF at it's headquarters. At the same time the RMEF is brave enough to come out and state their opinion on issues that other orgs are noticeably silent on. I not only pay for my own membership but for two of my friends, I want them to read the magazine and maybe absorb some of the ideas in it. I contribute to no other organisation or political party. My money comes from hard work.
Sportsmen's groups have clout when they focus and cooperate. Numbers are important, but small groups can be very influential. I would just find a group that best reflects your values and support them best you can with your time, talent and money.
big foot im very aware of that and thats the reason for the question.
18e and ben thanks for the input. I just wondered if i was missing a large organization that focuses on long term hunting. Ill be focusing more on the RMEF. Here in Florida federal lands dont come up much and you dont here much from hunting organizations other than ones pertaining to whitetail.
thanks again