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Hunting and Tucked Shirt


New member
Sep 24, 2016
Mtn. Home, ID
Good Morning HT,
Try not to laugh to much because I'm pretty curious about this question lol. But is there a reason/purpose why every video I watch I see the hunter's shirt (against the skin) tucked in. Is that more of a scent control reason, appearance to non hunters, or both?

Thank you.
One reason for me is to deter ticks. Makes it harder for them to get if, if my permethrin treated clothing fails to cause their demise in the first place.
I tuck my shirts in while hunting for a few reasons. One depending on the season I do not want the cold wind going up my shirt. Another big one when walking in thick brush I have gotten sticks and sharp grass go up and cut me slightly. It wont get caught on as many things when tucked in either.

are you just asking why people tuck their shirts in? (like normal or in their underwear? LOL) I tuck mine in cuz it makes it a little more difficult for my pack to ride it up my back, or for cold air to go up there, or for debris to go down my butt crack.. if you really want to know but its not a requirement for me to do so hope that helps lol
While hunting, I generally tuck it in, just because it is easier deal with. If I am moving a lot, though, I like the additional ventilation of an untucked shirt. It really kind of depends on the circumstance.
I think it's just basic common sense in the backcountry keeping out dirt, debris, ticks, ect. I also do it when backcountry skiing, nobody wasn't cold snow down their pants. It is also standard in military uniforms, I think it's more of a practical thing than aesthetics.
Only reason I do is I get a little less rub from the hip belt on my pack with a tucked shirt. I've never noticed it making a difference on anything else (warmth, bugs, sticks, etc)
I don't like a tucked in shirt, but its dang annoying when I try to glass, lean forward and it exposes my back to the cold.
I hardly ever don't tuck in my shirt. Keeps me from giving others a gut version of the "underboob" shot...
I do it to keep out cold air and to keep my pack from riding up on my back. But then again, I tuck in all my shirts...
Two reasons for me:
1. TICKS. Until you have been bitten and get something you won't know just how protective you need to be.
2. I "lock" in my layers. I alternate with my base layers which is on top, my pants and shirts, so that they don't pull out as easy and you get that nasty cold breeze leaking in.
I hardly ever don't tuck in my shirt. Keeps me from giving others a gut version of the "underboob" shot...

I do it to keep out cold air and to keep my pack from riding up on my back. But then again, I tuck in all my shirts...

Tee shirt, pearl snaps, Sitka or merino - I tuck in all my shirts every day, twice on Sundays.
Bonus: it also keeps my body hair from snagging on buckle and holster...:p the struggle is real
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I used to tuck in my hunting shirt but now I just tuck in my base layer because my girth has grown or my pants has shrunk. Not sure which.
Thanks all. I forgot about ticks. I was thinking it was something to do with keeping your human odor controlled a. It, but what everybody says makes perfect sense as well. Sorry for the silly questions, new to hunting and trying to understand a little at a time.


ps I like the idea of tucking in the shirt to highlight my Dunlap as!
We have always worn wool pants,a loose belt and suspenders.Gotta tuck in with suspenders over top. Didn't know there was another way.Cheers

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