Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

Huntin' Fool?

Good and bad, take some of the reccomendations with a grain of salt...I think it is though!
The draw imfo they have is good.I'll probably get it again for another year to try and see trends in some units.They seem alot more in depth on their coverage as compared to Eastmans
I subscribed this past year. For a person who lives in Iowa and doesn't have a lot of knowledge of the western states I believe it was worth the cost for one year.

They give you info on many units to hunt and the type of animals and terrian (difficulty of the hunt). They also provide some of the "odds" stats on drawings (rifle, archery, blackpowder).

All in all, for one year I thought that it was worth the cost. I'm not sure I'll re-subscribe as I'll just use last years mags. as references.

good luck to all
the dog
Don't they provide a list of hunter's that have hunted your unit in previous years? I would think that that would be the most beneficial thing about huntin fool. If you were going to a new area and could talk to 3 or 4 guys who have been hunted there before, that would be tremendously helpful.
Worth every penny

I really don’t think I “need” the info now after being a member since 04 or 05 but I still subscribe. The magazine is top notch even without the draw info. The stories and gear articles to me are worth the $100 alone. The best feature I think is connecting with people who have drawn the tag before you in addition to being able to pick up the phone and personally speak with one of the crew for more personalized info.

If you are still interested, let me know and I will refer you :D
I really don’t think I “need” the info now after being a member since 04 or 05 but I still subscribe. The magazine is top notch even without the draw info. The stories and gear articles to me are worth the $100 alone. The best feature I think is connecting with people who have drawn the tag before you in addition to being able to pick up the phone and personally speak with one of the crew for more personalized info.

If you are still interested, let me know and I will refer you :D

Thanks I am interested still so you can refer me, I just moved from PA to WA and I am still REALLY new to hunting out west. I just kinda of thinking of getting it for a year just to help me out with my initial research and just to get a better grasp on applying for western tags.
I subscribe but heartily avoid their top 5 picks especially if a new one moves up. They have a big readership and as a result the top 5 are a bad value for the points required. For preference states I've seen HF swing hunts increase 2 points in one year.
It's interesting to see how wealthy hunters hunt when you read huntinfool. A couple I remember reading were a guy on an elk hunt who was sleeping so the guide had to wake him up to take the shot on a huge bull, seems like it was nearly 400". The other was one of the most recent issues with some guy hunting who would not shoot a moose unless it was bigger than the first one he shot. He was on a stone sheep hunt. Definitely all about the wallet and tape measure on their hunts.
I wuld be interested to know if anyone has actually compared HF to Eastmans. I have taken both of them at various times. Eastmans seems to do more or less the same thing (minus the hunter referral service) at 1/3 the price.
I get one, a friend the other. We compare the information found in each...some things are the same some different.

Its a small part of the over-all research that I do, but still worth having IMO. If nothing else it condenses and compiles the data into a few pages rather than pouring over data from all over.

They're both good at pointing out the obvious with the top units...I mean is it really a secret that the missouri breaks are kicking out huge rams every year? Or that unit 61 in Colorado has some good deer hunting? that Wyoming moose unit 38 is a top unit?, etc. etc. etc.

Keep in mind that the staff of both routinely buy landowner tags, hunt private, etc. and they have idiots tripping over themselves giving them information, most of which you'll never see.
I've been tempted to get it just for a year as kind of a jump start on some of my research. I think I could do a farily good job tracking changes after getting some intial info. I also think it would be fun to see where they rank some Idaho units that I know and see what their thoughts are.
Hey, The Tone, I don't have much else to add, but I've been a HF member for about 5 or 6 years now. This past year I drew a CO mtn goat tag and really enjoyed getting to talk with past tag holders. It's a pretty good service that I enjoy getting and I would recommend it. Like others have said here, you have take what they say and weigh it against what you want to do and your views of hunting. That outfit is VERY B&C score oriented, but you will gain a lot of knowledge about the western states. If you want to join, like MNHunter, I could refer you. Would love to win that Stone sheep hunt they give away, of course.
rmyoung1, I'd love to hear about your goat hunt and see some photos, if you're inclined to post a story in the mountain goat forum.
Hey, Oak, would love to post a big, long reply with awesome photos and a smiling me with my hard-earned trophy at my feet. But... alas.. the best laid plans of mice and men. :eek: I drew one of the archery G5 tags. Everything was going well on day 1 with billies spotted and bow in hand. 4 hours later I was tumbling down the mountain after unintentionally (of course) starting a rock slide on one of SW Colo's famously rotten rock mountains. Luckily, I didn't kill myself. Thankfully I wasn't even badly injured but my ankle swelled up and I ended spending the night on the mountain. I had a sat phone (worth it's weight in gold - rented from explorer satellite) and got a hold of my brother (helicopter & airplane pilot in Great Falls, MT). He called San Juan County, CO search & rescue and 3 guys came up to get me. Thankfully it had a healthy ending. Unfortunately, it ruined my goat hunt.
Bummer of a story there. At least you weren't seriously hurt. That $0.25 tacked on to license fees is well worth it.

Did you get a picture of the anke? :) Sorry..... ;)
Yes. It was a big bummer. The memories still sting. I suppose it'll be that way for a while. Here's hoping a get lucky again and draw a tag sometime soon.
Oh... and... no... I didn't get any pictures of the ankle. It was a cool purple color for a few days though. :p And... yeah... the 25 cents was well worth it. :)
Well, the upside is that you can start applying again next year. Are you a resident? There are still a few relatively easy goat tags to draw, and nothing says you can't hunt with a bow on a rifle tag.

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