Hunter killed by elk

Sad true, avoidable? I can’t say, wasn’t there.

Unfortunately, passing judgment on someone when you don’t know all the facts is one of the biggest problems in our society these days.
Passing judgment on a person you don't know is one of the biggest problems in our society these days.

Avoiding the animal until it was certain it was dead could have avoided the problem. Dead animals don't gore people. I don't need more facts to reach that conclusion.
Passing judgment on a person you don't know is one of the biggest problems in our society these days.

Avoiding the animal until it was certain it was dead could have avoided the problem. Dead animals don't gore people. I don't need more facts to reach that conclusion.

Most hunters are willing to deal with some risk in order to finish the job I guess. Is this even an intellectually honest argument at this point?

I mean I guess he could have never entered the woods./s That would have avoided the problem.

RIP To the hunter. Condolences to his family.
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Even elk can be dangerous. They have tourists gored every year in Rocky Mountain National Park because they get too close for pictures and that.

But hunting, this would be a shock to experience.
Passing judgment on a person you don't know is one of the biggest problems in our society these days.

Avoiding the animal until it was certain it was dead could have avoided the problem. Dead animals don't gore people. I don't need more facts to reach that conclusion.

Idk you from Oregon? Pretty thick country in a lot of places. Tracking blood, might be inside 5 yards before you see it. I’m certain even a 3 legged elk could run down a man inside bow range If it got the inclination.

Can’t speculate on the circumstances but I’m not gonna judge..

Prayers to the family..

The thing about nature, as soon as you think you got it figured out, it will still kill you..
Idk you from Oregon? Pretty thick country in a lot of places. Tracking blood, might be inside 5 yards before you see it. I’m certain even a 3 legged elk could run down a man inside bow range If it got the inclination.

Can’t speculate on the circumstances but I’m not gonna judge..

Prayers to the family..

The thing about nature, as soon as you think you got it figured out, it will still kill you..
I tracked a wounded cow elk by Montrose for a friend of mine before I moved to Wyoming. When I finally located it, she popped up 10 feet away from me. If she wasn't crippled even a cow elk can be dangerous when wounded. Elk got very good natural camo and if you are not really looking careful for unique color patterns you can have them right beside you and not notice. You need to approach wounded animals just as though you yourself are the prey. They frequently attack to try and survive. I have seen a buck deer do that once but the person I saw that just got bruised a bit because the antlers hit his backpack before someone else shot the buck.
If I remember right that happened with a deer recently too
I remember reading the story some where
Passing judgment on a person you don't know is one of the biggest problems in our society these days.

Avoiding the animal until it was certain it was dead could have avoided the problem. Dead animals don't gore people. I don't need more facts to reach that conclusion.
You’ve never hunted the Oregon coast range, you have no idea how thick it is out here, I was on a herd In reprod yesterday that was 10 yds or less visibility most of the time , if I could see 25 yds that was far , The elk out here get in that stuff because you can’t them out of it and they have all the advantage and they know it, a pic from yesterday in the crap
This was a 25 yd window , If you were in stuff like this and that bull was listening to you walk in on him and you poke through in one of these little pockets and it was under 25 yards that Bull would be on you faster than you could draw back
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You’ve never hunted the Oregon coast range, you have no idea how thick it is out here, I was on a herd In reprod yesterday that was 10 yds or less visibility most of the time , if I could see 25 yds that was far , The elk out here get in that stuff because you can’t them out of it and they have all the advantage and they know it, a pic from yesterday in the crap
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This was a 25 yd window , If you were in stuff like this and that bull was listening to you walk in on him and you poke through in one of these little pockets and it was under 25 yards that Bull would be on you faster than you could draw back

+1 What Chris said....where we used to hunt on the coast you couldn't see 10 feet in front of you at times....between the reprod, bracken fern, tan oak, vine maple, you name just sucks and advantage goes to the elk all day/every day.
Sad thing that happened.
Avoiding the animal until it was certain it was dead could have avoided the problem. Dead animals don't gore people. I don't need more facts to reach that conclusion.

Dead animals sure do gore people, I've heard and read multiple stories over the years of guys sticking themselves on the antlers of a dead buck or bull because they lost their footing, crashed a quad, etc...

Sad day for the Oregon hunter's family, be safe this fall fellas!
Thats sad, poor chap, I feel for his family.

@leec270 offers a service in England to track lost/injured deer, he wears Kevlar clothing for very good reason.


Thats sad, poor chap, I feel for his family.

@leec270 offers a service in England to track lost/injured deer, he wears Kevlar clothing for very good reason.



yep I look like a traffic cone, but I’m about as protected as I can be and So Is the dog.

All this to track wounded animals for free!

some think I’m mad 🤪

but I can’t be mad I use a 30-30 as my tracking rifle 😂


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One of dads friends was nearly impaled by a deer that charged him while he was walking in to a stand one evening. He was walking through thick multiflora rose briers and it was within 5 feet before he even realized what was going on. Luckily, he was able to jump out of the way. Everytime you go in to the woods, you take a risk. Nature is unpredictable. Wound it and it is even moreso.

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