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Hunt with Trump and Teddy!!

Genius level stuff here...because I think Trump Jr. is a douche, obviously I support one of these jack wagons...

We need more of this, this is exactly what's going to turn our country around and get us all on the same page...good job.
Lots of toxic masculinity in this post! ;)
"Maybe the unfortunate winner will do a Dick Cheney on him!" :ROFLMAO:

Thank You for providing evidence in support of my anecdotally based theory(s) on the low reading, retention, and cognitive abilities of most social media based communicators....
Post #8.
"Maybe the unfortunate winner will do a Dick Cheney on him!" :ROFLMAO:

Thank You for providing evidence in support of my anecdotally based theory(s) on the low reading, retention, and cognitive abilities of most social media based communicators....
Post #8.

Great minds and whatnot....
I've see this regularly advertised on social media and there have been a few posts on here about it as well. Who exactly is "hunter nation?" Under the about tab on their website they state they are "committed to keeping our public lands public." Yet the members of their "team" include Don Peay, Ted Nugent, and Jason Chaffetz, who are hardly public land advocates.

I won't be buying a ticket and I sure as hell wouldn't want to win a high fence hunt with the Nuge
Ah yes. The hypocritical hunt talk leftist are again raising their ugly heads. God forbid someone is rich AND a conservative. I'll bet very few of you fine people that want to bash him, have never met him, but instead let your pathetic politics take over your decisions. Incredible, from a bunch of "so called" sportsmen and hunters. So much for banding together and putting politics aside. Pathetic, as usual.
Ah yes. The hypocritical hunt talk leftist are again raising their ugly heads. God forbid someone is rich AND a conservative. I'll bet very few of you fine people that want to bash him, have never met him, but instead let your pathetic politics take over your decisions. Incredible, from a bunch of "so called" sportsmen and hunters. So much for banding together and putting politics aside. Pathetic, as usual.
You drinking again ... or just off the meds?
Pennsylvania whitetail hunt, zero chance of that happening. Now if Trump Jr would put up some of his money and do say a Stone Sheep or maybe an Alaskan Moose/Caribou, I might have to change my mind.
Ted, After a week with him I might be thinking about suicide, At best I would need a few expensive therapy sessions so it would be best to just stay home.
Because he's not an advocate for us. He spent a lot of 2018 campaigning for anti-public land politicians and attacking real sportsmen & conservation minded elected officials like Jon Tester. He's an east coast elite with a silver spoon in his mouth and no understanding of what it means to be a blue collar hunter who relies on public land to hunt, fish & recreate. He's largely abandoned any attempt to influence the oil & has lobbyist installed as the secretary of interior & he certainly isn't helping push back on the new blm director who is an anti-public lands activist.

The dude from NYC is a true green decoy if there ever were.

So, we are supposed to be friendly with Yvon and Patagonia, who has spent decades and countless millions attacking us, but Trump Jr is an enemy?

How does that work?

BTW I did by in on working with Patagonia when BHA pushed it. Same as I would Trump Jr.
Pennsylvania whitetail hunt, zero chance of that happening. Now if Trump Jr would put up some of his money and do say a Stone Sheep or maybe an Alaskan Moose/Caribou, I might have to change my mind.
Ted, After a week with him I might be thinking about suicide, At best I would need a few expensive therapy sessions so it would be best to just stay home.
Yeah, how about a Dall sheep or stone sheep hunt. How many guys would turn that one down.
So, we are supposed to be friendly with Yvon and Patagonia, who has spent decades and countless millions attacking us, but Trump Jr is an enemy?

How does that work?

BTW I did by in on working with Patagonia when BHA pushed it. Same as I would Trump Jr.

You can do whatever you desire regarding Yvon & Patagonia. I don't agree with him on grizzly bears, but he's been a solid partner on public lands. Just like Mike Simpson (R-ID) has been a good partner on some issues and not a good on others, but I'd still gladly spend a day with him.

I hunt with conservatives, rich, poor & middle-class. I hunt with Trump supporters & people with whom I have strong disagreements. But I respect those people. I just don't respect a guy who dumped his wife & kids for a Fox News announcer & runs his mouth like an entitled brat who has been given everything and who campaigns against solid conservation candidates in favor of anti-public land candidates, using tax payer dollars to do so while trying to proclaim himself to be the next TR despite a track record of doing nothing to advance TR's vision.

Now Tom Selleck, Dan Crenshaw, Shep Smith, Mike Simpson, a large number of state legislators in MT & WY, and a host of other famous conservatives, I'd gladly spend a day with. Even Lindsay Graham, and especially Dick Cheney. I have a lot of respect for Cheney, even if I find his politics abhorrent. I'd even spend a day with Greg Gianforte afield.
I did enjoy watching Trump Jr.’s sheep hunts with Jason Hairston but I don’t think I’d personally wanna hunt with the guy. No political reason at all. Just feel like I wouldn’t enjoy the solitude of the outdoors with a guy as egotistical as him or Ted Nugent.
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