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Hunt Talk Members... Please Help!


New member
Jun 10, 2009
I'm a working member on a new campaign to promote the backcountry hunting and angling experience, and the conservation measures necessary to continue the tradition. Kicking around a few names that would help define this effort, I thought that it would be better ask the guys that we’re trying to reach out to... DIRECTLY!

Out of the names that we’ve come up with, there are some that seem to portray the positive image of the hunter conservationist, and some that seem to fall flat. What NAME would you respond to on a billboard, on a web banner, or anything else? What NAME BEST DEFINES the Backcountry Hunter/Flyfisherman/Conservationist?

Feel free to be critical, or offer other suggestions.

Here's some of the names we've been working on;

Backcountry Bodyguards Roadless Warriors Backcountry Patriots Sportsmen for Wild Country Wild Country Warriors Wild Country Bodyguards Roadless Defenders

Thanks for lending a creative hand!
I applaud your energy and intent. However, I wonder why you want to reinvent the wheel that is being motored down the road by so many other worthwhile organizations, many of which likely have the same mission?

My concern is that the sportsman's dollar and attention is already getting split so many ways that it would seem better to try to identify the right organization and support consolidation of financial resources and energy toward the strength of that group ... rather than starting a new group which might splinter and weaken other worthwhile groups.
Sportsmen for Backcountry, Backcountry Sportsmen, Sportsmen for Wild Country......
Backcountry Defenders

Depends on the generation you are trying for...

Anything with "bodyguard" sounds like yor trying to be someones bodyguard
Anything with"less" takes away from the BOLDNESS of the name
In Montana Backcountry Hunters and Anglers we have a program of Habitat Watchman where any member can assign himself to a piece of ground special to him.....drainage, Ranger District, Forest, and keep an eye on what is going on there.....from ATV violations, damage, bad proposals by the agency and then advocate for action to keep habitat intact.
I applaud your energy and intent. However, I wonder why you want to reinvent the wheel that is being motored down the road by so many other worthwhile organizations, many of which likely have the same mission?

My concern is that the sportsman's dollar and attention is already getting split so many ways that it would seem better to try to identify the right organization and support consolidation of financial resources and energy toward the strength of that group ... rather than starting a new group which might splinter and weaken other worthwhile groups.

Straight Arrow,

This is actually an effort between several groups to put together a campaign that speaks to younger people (18-44). The idea is to promote backcountry hunting, the ethics and skills necessary to engage in the sport, and to bring more young folks in to the conservation fold. We're reaching out to try and replace a lot of the aging leadership in organizations, as well as raise awareness on specific issues.

Mark Seacat has been a great leader in this campaign, and we love that we get to work with him on it. This is about adding value to the work being done by groups, not trying to take away a piece of the pie.
These two are easily the top two in the bunch (IMO): Roadless Warriors and Sportsmen for Wild Country

After reading Ben Lamb's post and coming from someone in the target age group (Mid-20's), I really like Roadless Warriors if the idea is to come up with a slogan for a pre-existing group.

However, if these are ideas for a new group then I would opt for the more "traditional" Sportsman for Wild Country.

Another potential idea...Backcountry Guardian's?
Okay, I get it. But then why not give it a campaign or program title rather than a group / organization name? (ie: Protect the Wild Country or Back Country for the Future or some other appropriate campaign title that describes a coordinated movement among various organizations.)
That's why I am expressing my points. I really support the idea, but have seen how these things evolve.
When someone signs on for the "Wild Country Warriors" (or whatever name is chosen), then sends in a check for financial support suddenly there is a need to establish a bank account, then a 501c3, then a board of directors, a website, etc. There you go, you now have a new and separate sportsmen group that is likely having to spend more money at every turn in the trail ... money that otherwise might be going to MWF, the Bob Marshall Foundation, or some other worthy direction..

I suggest continuing to formulate the mission, goals, and title of the campaign and then having established back country and sportsmen' groups embrace and promote it.