Hunt Talk hat & ducks

What Map

Active member
Jun 23, 2012
This morning I planned on duck hunting. I had set my alarm for 4:00 a.m., but I woke up at 3:00 and decided to check the weather and looked at webcams along my planned route. All I saw was horizontal wet snow on the webcams. I decided I did not want to drive nearly a hundred miles through that blizzard to reach my blind and changed my hunt to a spot I found in the valley last year. I turned off the alarm and went back to sleep.

At 5:00 a.m. I got up again and headed out. As I drove by my mail box I noticed a package hanging on the mail box door. I figured the wind and sleet would knock it off before I got back from hunting, so I grabbed it.

Inside was my new Hunt Talk hat, which I’ve heard are lucky hats. It went with me to the river.

I am now posting a picture of the ducks I got this morning with the new lucky Hunt Talk cap:

HT Ducks+HT cap.jpg
The evidence continues to mount, that those are really lucky caps. Thanks for your order.
He'll smoke them, he'll grill them, he'll make meatballs out of them you name it he will do it. Nice work, wish I could have snuck out with you.
He'll smoke them, he'll grill them, he'll make meatballs out of them you name it he will do it. Nice work, wish I could have snuck out with you.
I noticed you left out "eating them." :D Seriously, what is the trick to making these eat well?

For those who want to eat golden eyes and other diving ducks I suggest the following:

You cannot skin the breast of a golden eye like you can a mallard or teal. The skin of a golden eye clings tightly to the breast muscles. So I pluck all the feathers and down off the breast and cut the breast from the bird with the skin on. They usually have a nice layer of yellow fat between the skin and the muscle.

I soak them in salt water over night and then rinse.
I coat with flour and then fry them in hot butter and oil starting with the skin down so it will crisp. I then flip the breast back and forth until the blood just stops running red from the muscle. Let them set for a few minutes and serve hot with a mayo plus horseradish dipping sauce. I do the same with the legs.

In the summer, I smoke them. And then in the fall, I take any leftover duck meat and grind it with pig fat and make duck sausage “ham burger.’
It should be noted that I like the taste of duck and goose much more than most people. My two grandsons ages 3 and 5 and I will eat a whole golden eye breast each for a dinner entrée. I use pure mayo without the horseradish for them to dip their duck bites. They really like them, but the flavor is not for everyone. Many people don’t like the taste of mallards or teal either.

Richard, nice pic of your HT hat and deer.
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