Caribou Gear Tarp

Hunt show gripes


New member
Apr 6, 2012
OK, so I was a bit under the weather this past week and was subjected to way too much TV.
Why is it that every time after the hunter shoots his critter with his super short superfat mega magnum that would deafen everybody from Casper to Gillette we all have to have a whispered conversation?
On some other show that apperantly you have to shoot your critter from no closer than an adjoining county these guys spot a mule deer buck they don't want so they get out a cell phone and call somebody's brother back at home to come out and plunk this deer.
Which brings me to the bow hunter who calls his buddy to tell him the pronghorn's headed his way so stay put for while.
Again with the phone?
Surely we must be able to do better than this. Maybe I'm just old. Maybe I'm just tired...
On some other show that apperantly you have to shoot your critter from no closer than an adjoining county these guys spot a mule deer buck they don't want so they get out a cell phone and call somebody's brother back at home to come out and plunk this deer.
Which brings me to the bow hunter who calls his buddy to tell him the pronghorn's headed his way so stay put for while.
Again with the phone?

Isn't this illegal? I didn't think you could use any communication device to chase game.
I was watching Realtree a couple weeks ago and Micheal Waddell was hunting elk in Montana and he used a luminock and even commented on how it lit up. That is illegal. I checked who he was hunting with on the web and it was Bear Paw Hunts and according to their web site they border an Indian reservation but don't hunt on it, although that was not 100% sure that they don't hunt on it. I emailed Micheal's web site and asked him about it in a nice way and no reply. Seems like a guy that hunts so much in Montana would know luminocks are illegal, I hope he was on a reservation.

Some things people do on these shows is pretty questionable. I can't believe some shot selections and shot hit location on archery shots. YIKES
Since I'm from SC, could someone explain why a luminok would be illegal? The nock doesn't have anything to do with actually killing an animal, does it? Since I don't bowhunt I have no bowhunting knowledge. Also, we use walkie-talkies and cell phones to contact other hunters to relocate when the hounds go in a different direction than the one originally intended,as well as, getting help in the case of a wounded deer.:confused:
In Idaho, It's electronics that are illegal in archery. Also no mechanical blades. 2-way radios and phones can be used for rescue, calling gramma, ordering pizza, but not as a hunting aid.
rhomas cant really answer your question. You do bring up a good point, when a guy travels out of state he needs to really check the Regs ,it seems like every state has a couple that at first glance seem crazy. But the law is the law,no matter how stupid it may seem.Just remember you are a guest, and like all good guest its not our place to ignore the hosts rules.
In Montana nothing that requires a battery or electronics is legal on archery hunting equipment.

No communications devices such as phones, walkie-talkies, two-way radios, and so forth are legal for use as hunting aids.

I'm not stating that to start a debate, 'just saying those are the regs. The reasons, rationale, and regulations have been hashed and rehashed. Spook makes an excellent point about becoming informed of regulations prior to hunting in a state where you are hunting for the first time, or it may be your last ... or at least unduly expensive, with loss of harvested game.
Every state has different laws, rules and regulations.
Fish & game laws, traffic laws, penal codes. It;s called "States rights".
Anyone who doesn't understand that should really avoid going out of state.
What I love is on almost every show it's the last hours of the last day when they shoot the animal...
I've been in Idaho all summer and there is no TV where I live and the only thing I miss is...............hmmm.

I rarely watch OYO because its never on when I try to find it...hmmm.

The only hunting shows I watch are the ones about African dangerous game. Everything else the "this sucks" alarm goes off pretty quick. Usually just before I yell at the TV "you stupid idiot."
I saw on Bowhunter TV yesterday them pushing for treestand hunters to use Ozonics... its a freakin metal detector you hang off your tree and it eliminates Ozone (your scent carrier) from the air. I couldn't believe it and wonder how much Carney got paid to advocate for that POS
Oh and dont forget your Scent-a-Way Spray boys!!!! Gotta spray water all over your clothes on a nice cold morning so they dont smell ya!
My biggest gripe is the touchdown celebrations after they shoot an animal. You just killed a living animal, show some respect.
A couple of years ago I watched Fred Eichler on a California black tail hunt where he was set up in a blind and about 30 yards from a water hole. It is illegal to remain for longer than 30 minutes withing 200 yards of any water source in the state. I do not understand how these so-called professional hunters can get away with breaking the law when if that had been me in the blind every game warden in the state would have cracked down on me like white on rice.
In the past, I've often bemoaned the fact that I am unable to afford out of state hunts. I'm beginning to think that isn't such a bad thing.

Only 30 minutes at a water hole? No electronic communications devices to be used, even for assistance in tracking or getting game out of the woods? No lighted nocks for bowhunters? I suppose that tracer ammo (even though I don't use it) is also illegal! No handguns for bowhunters, what about snakes and pot growers that might be encountered?

I'll stick to SC, and dog hunting, using food plots and corn piles, and being able to radio or call for help, if needed, thank you!!!!! Plus, I never, ever go anywhere without a handgun, period!!!!
In the past, I've often bemoaned the fact that I am unable to afford out of state hunts. I'm beginning to think that isn't such a bad thing.

Only 30 minutes at a water hole? No electronic communications devices to be used, even for assistance in tracking or getting game out of the woods? No lighted nocks for bowhunters? I suppose that tracer ammo (even though I don't use it) is also illegal! No handguns for bowhunters, what about snakes and pot growers that might be encountered?

I'll stick to SC, and dog hunting, using food plots and corn piles, and being able to radio or call for help, if needed, thank you!!!!! Plus, I never, ever go anywhere without a handgun, period!!!!

CA also has the no lead fly zone. If you carry a pistol while hunting, even if you are only using for self protection the law also requires it has to be lead free as well. How stupid is that? I also dont understand the whole no lead thing anyway, all because some effin politician was pursuaded to think that lead was killing the condors? It may be true but only from pistols and rifles. I can shoot all the lead shotgun ammo I want while bird hunting and if I lose a bird its now full of lead shot. I can understand protecting the condor, dont misunderstand me here. But, I think lead shot has more potential fro harming the wildlife than does a single lead core bullet. If you shoot a deer, elk, pig or other big game the animal is usually recovered. If you flush a covey of quail, hit 3 and lose 1, which seems to happen a lot to me, you are now leaving lead available for the condor and others to eat.
"Only 30 minutes at a water hole?" No limit in Montana.

Electronic communications devices can't be used during the hunt. Not certain, but I believe can be used for assistance in tracking dead game or getting game out of the woods.

Montana allows handguns to be carried while bowhunting. (Many silent stalkers feel much more secure with a hogleg and bear spray at hand when sneaking after elk in grizzly country.)

Baiting is not legal in Montana.

Dogs may not be used to hunt game animals, but can be used to recover or locate wounded game.

I think tracers would be allowed ... however, you might be responsible for the mega-dollars fines and expenses for the firefighting to extinquish tracer ignited wildland fires.
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