NEW SITKA Ambient 75

Hunt ended before it started

Terribly sorry to hear the news, Cali. My condolences to you and your family. Hang in there with the feuding siblings. This kind of thing always happens, but I'm sure all will work out in the end. Your mother's pain is over and may she rest in peace.
Well, my older brother (Greg)&wife had flown in to spend some time with Mom last Wednesday. They had a couple days with her before she passed. However, my younger brother lives there, and he was a jerk every time they're there. After Mom died, my wife, my older brother and his wife went over to the house to start planning services, etc. My younger brother (Randy) was such a jerk that Greg and his wife flew home on Saturday, because they wereconcerend that Randy would make a scene at Mom's funeral. :(

Thanks to all of you for the kind thoughts and prayers. I am glad that Mom is in a better place and no longer suffering.
Sorry for your loss Rick, she's truely in a better place and one without pain. Sorry as well to hear about the strain between the siblings...have seen that in our family as well and it flat out sucks.
It's very tough to lose a parent, I lost my pops in '81 and it hit me very hard. I've seen what cancer can do to people and it's a horrible disease, you can be grateful that she is no longer suffering and is now in a better place. I hope your sibs can put their difference's aside long enough grieve the loss of your mother. Hang in there CH, things will get better with time.
Sorry about your loss. You and your family have my condolences.

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