Hunt ended before it started

Calif. Hunter

Active member
Dec 13, 2000
Apple Valley, CA, USA
Things suck right now. I got up at 3:45 AM yesterday, met Jorge and Moe, drove for 717 miles - over 10 hours - to Silver City NM. Checked in the hotel and went to get dinner. I left my cell phone in the motel room. We were supposed to meet up with Craig and Brandon at 9 AM, go the range to final check our rifles and head out to camp this morning.

After dinner, we get back to the motel and I have an urgent message to call home right away. I call my wife and find out that my Mom had died a couple hours earlier. :eek:

It was not totally unexpected - she had terminal lung cancer, and had hip replacement surgery over labor day. But I thought she still had a couple of months left. I had spent some time with her the day before I left, and she tired easily but seemed okay.

So I am home and dealing with 2 brothers who will not talk to each other, trying to make arrangements for services, etc. and all after drivng over 20 hours in the last 36 hours.

The next few days are going to be hell. Then it will continue, as I am trustee of her trust, placing me right in the middle of my already-feuding siblings.

Man, am I depressed.
Hang in there Calif. Hunter. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family. Things seem to work out just fine but it does sound like a tense situation.
Neither my mom nor dad are doing well....old age ain't for sissies they keep telling me. It's have my empathy.

I learned to love hunting from dad. I got a couple of very nice bucks the last two years. He doesn't even care any more.

I'm glad to have him, but I hate seeing him struggle like he & mom are.

All I know to tell you, is hang in there are "wait 'til next year".
Sorry to hear about the loss of your mother. There will be other hunts. Lung cancer is a terrible disease. I've lost two grandfathers and my dad to it.

Good luck with the trustee duties. I wouldn't wish that job on anybody. I'm still working on my dad's, and he passed in February.
Lost my mother to cancer while on a sheep hunt in August 2000. I didn't find out about until I returned from the field. I missed everything. I regret not being there for her.

My condolences to the family...hang in there Cali.
Nothing like a Funeral to bring out the worst in an Already bad sibling situation too..... Sorry for your loss and hopefully the family will "MAN UP" and realize things aren't always about them.

That is bad news. My condolences to you and your family.

Never easy, even when you know it is coming. Even worse when your siblings are shitheads.

Hang in there. You will get through it.

Hope you find comfort in the thoughts and prayers of your family and friends.

That just sucks. Sorry.
You better get some rest so you don't get sick Cali. Take care. Its impossible to make everyone happy all the time and this sounds like one of those times. Maybe you'll think of some activities for all the siblings where things can go better for a bit, and then continue, if they want.

Sorry to hear the sad news, take care of yourself and others too in these hard days ahead.
I hope your "homies" have a good hunt without you.
Just be fair and try to honor you mothers wishes. It may be years, but sooner or later they will realize you did the right thing.
back it the back of you mind, start planning the next hunt now, it might just help.
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