Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

Hows the Winter


Active member
Aug 19, 2009
St Paul MN
Hows the winter in your part of the country. Seems like we have had some rough winters the past few years but looks like this winter has been lil easier on the game.
Here in MN we have had one of the warmest and dry winters i have ever seen. While not good for my snow plowing it has been great for the animals.
So how is the winter around you?
After last winter, anything would look mild in southeast Idaho. We have had (so far) a nearly perfect winter for mule deer. There is some snowpack up high - 68-95% of normal. This is a lower than I would like to see for long-term, but last winter recharged all of the aquifers so it is enough for this year. Every storm we have had was followed by warm weather, so the lower elevations melted fast. The winter ranges are bare and some animals haven't even left the transition/migration areas.

My secret weapon for finding today's snowpack is a google search for "idaho snotel swe". The pdf link to is what I'm looking for. This also works for most other western states, just substitute your state for idaho.
In case you're curious, Snotel is the abbreviated name for USDA weather stations that measure snowpack. SWE is snow-water equivalent. SWE is a measure of the total amount of water in the snowpack, not just depth. Depth could be misleading because 5' of dense snow can hold more water than 10' of powder.
Supposed to be in the 60's today and possible snow tomorrow. As they say, "If you don't like the weather in Idaho, wait 5 minutes."

ardrhi-I usually check Snotel daily for OR. Makes it easier to decide if it's worth driving over to the cabin for the weekend. Also keep a close eye on water content.
Not much snow all winter long...that is until a few days ago when we got hit with two storms. Still a very mild winter for Michigan's Upper Peninsula.
Well here in Tx, my grass never even went completely dormant. Couldn't treat for weeds, which mean I'm going to have a heck of time this year with them.
What is this 'winter' you speak of? It's going to be 84 at my house tomorrow. Then a front blows in and it drops 23 degrees in one day. Crazy. Supposed to be high 70s, low 80s all next week while I take it easy on the beach in Mexico.

It would be great if we got any precipitation at all. It's very, very dry in the desert. Dry March in AZ means bad news in June/July/August...
68 in Billings two days ago, 66 yesterday. January was unbelievably warm and dry. I think since Jan 1, we've had about 1/4 inch of moisture and the temps have rarely been below freezing during the day. Stark contrast from last year, when we had about 96 days with snow on the ground. I bet this year we are more like 8-10 days with snowcover...

Be interesting to see what the spring holds for us. Also unbelievably, is that the mountain snowpack is about normal... slightly low in place, but very near or above normal in many places.
it has been really mild this winter in the uk and hardly any rain and one day of snow, in fact only 3 frosts so far
it messed up the deer hunting because they stayed in the woods
Asked a friend of mine about Wy. he said snowpack is average in mountains and not much of anything in the winter range.Good year for the deer and antelope to recover a little.Hopefully, they'll have a wet spring/summer for some antler growth to continue
Here in Pa, the winter has felt more like an extended fall.Never remembered a winter with no snow on the ground.here we get it in Nov and it lasts till early April.My pockets have enjoyed the heating bill savings though,and my back from snow shoveling
Also unbelievably, is that the mountain snowpack is about normal... slightly low in place, but very near or above normal in many places.

That's really surprising to me too. Over here the valleys have been warm and rainy all winter. Aside from the one big snow storm, we've hardly had any at all.

It hasn't really been warm so much as it hasn't been cold. I only remember the temperature dropping below zero for a couple days in December, besides that it seems like its been in the 30's all winter.

Deer and elk are looking very fat and healthy.

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